Roses & Violets Community is not only limited to awards, but we are also here to give you a bunch of services! Check them out!
R & V
CommunityRoses and Violets Community is now open to all of you to join, participate and expand your knowledge of writing.
We are now hiring in all departments and we would love to have you all with us on this journey.
Roses' Books Critique
Character development. Plot. General Enjoyment.
These are all things that our reviewers look for.
Welcome to @RV_Community. Our community's reviewers are here for you. We're here to aid in your road to Wattpad stardom.If you're new, you may wonder, what is a review? If you were to ask google, google will tell you that a book review is a form of literary criticism in which a book is merely described or analyzed based on content, style, and merit. A book review may be a primary source, opinion piece, summary review or scholarly review.
In this book, we offer advice and constructive criticism from our team of experienced reviewers on what your book has that's incredible as well as what could be improved upon.
Illustrated Dahlias
The Illustrated Dahlias, a graphic shop full of art and creativity with many talented artists along our side, you will be sure to find something you like! Where a community full of talented artist come together to do what they love!
Erica's Editing Zone
You've heard this before, you'll hear this again, Stories are magical even if it isn't fantasy, isn't it? They transport you to a whole new world.
But readers don't enter that realm if the book has multiple mistakes. We are human after all, we make mistakes, it can be in spelling, grammar, the flow of the story........Even professional authors make mistakes, it's not bad!
Making mistakes is human, and helping others to correct it is what makes us more human. Here we are to help edit your book and make it more appealing and engaging to your readers!
Rain Days Greenhouse
A Shop for your splendid books to be recommended by our Rain Lillies.
Roses & Violets Awards
Random"Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his life is written large in his works" - Virginia Woolf Introducing the Roses & Violets Awards! Compete with many others to improve your work. Reach out to a wider aud...