8 - Collecting the Ace

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I walk through the Institute doors and sigh as I dump my dirty Seraph blade on the pile with the rest. Jace and Clary hadn't returned after saving Luke, so I can only assume that they're still with Magnus. But with no Jace - Alec, Izzy and I have more work to cover, leaving me to go on mission alone, again. But this was the first time I didn't mind. Neither Izzy or Alec have spoken to me about their parents wanting Alec to marry, which I can't really be angry at. I'm not a Lightwood, this is about family honour. However, I still can't fight the small amount of anger creeping in due to my feelings for him. And as for Jace, I am honestly not sure what kind of relationship we have anymore.

I walk into the heart of the Institute and immediately my eyes lock onto Izzy and Alec talking. Izzy is dressed differently than how she usually would. She is dressed just like Maryse. What is going on? I walk over to them slowly, not wanting to stop their intense conversation, but as soon as Alec sees me they stop talking.

"Iz, you okay?" I ask raising an eyebrow at my Parabatai.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She asks turning to me and smiling.

"Gee, I don't know. You aren't wearing something that sparkles or reveals too much. That's usually a sign that something is wrong." I say to her.

"She's trying to take some of the family heat. Dad is back in town too." Alec says.

"What are they putting on you?" I ask him, trying to get him to tell me about the marriage. Praying internally that he will say that he won't go through with it. Izzy sighs and shakes her head.

"It doesn't matter. Alec you need to finish your report to the Clave." Izzy says walking away from us, returning to her work. Alec watches her for a moment and sighs.

"Right, yeah." He says to his sister. He then looks at me. "How was your mission?" He asks me. His eyes cling to me strongly ignoring everything else around us.

"It was fine, though I ache like crazy now." I laugh slightly.

"I knew you shouldn't have gone. I should have, or Izzy." Alec starts.

"What? And leave me with the boring desk work." I smile, but he doesn't smile back.

"Mae, you were tortured yesterday-" he starts to lecture me but I roll my eyes at him.

"And I'm better now." I say to him. He opens his mouth to reply, but he gets stopped.

"Alec!" Izzy yells at him. He turns to his sister and purses his lips, as if he is in an internal battle with himself. He groans quietly and looks back to me.

"We will talk about this later." He says before walking over to my parabatai. I watch him for a moment longer before heading to my room in need of a long shower.


After a couple of hours of lounging about, my phone rings. I glance at the caller ID and groan before slamming my thumb against the decline button. I am in no mood for Jace. My phone rings again and I decline the call once again. He really needs to take a hint. If I pick up, it'll most likely be him asking me to do something for him, yet again. I am done with letting him walk all over me. He is supposed to be my brother, my last living relative. He is supposed to love me, but it is clear he doesn't.

I turn my phone off as it rings again and storm out of my room. You would think that he would take a hint. I walk through the halls towards the heart of the Institute hoping that there is something for me to do, mainly because I want a valid excuse to avoid Jace's calls.

"Maelys." Isabelle calls. I turn to her and watch her and Alec walk quickly towards me, both armed. "Jace called, he needs backup." I scoff at her and turn away not caring.

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