Winter Of Our Youth

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Dan wakes up, to find the couch next to him empty. For a moment, he thinks that Kyle left him for the bed. But he smells a pleasant scent coming out of the kitchen, so he gets up and follows his nose. In the room next to him, he finds Kyle in front of the stove with a pan and a spoon in his hands.
The guy turns around like he has eyes in the back of his head and greets him: 'Hi sleeping beauty, do you fancy some homemade pancakes?'
'Thank you, that's so nice of you. They look delicious!'
He grabs a chair and settles himself behind a plate with a finished pancake on it. Wait are that words written in chocolate sauce? 'Do you want to be my boyfriend?' he deciphers, it's a bit shaky written.
'We didn't make things official yesterday', Kyle blushes, noticing Dan's discovery.
'I would love to', he smiles with a really big grin.
His new boyfriend leaves his spot to hug him and Dan tries to kiss him, but that provides him a tap on the nose.
'Eat your pancakes Daniel, before they turn cold. And we need to hurry because we're going to be late for practise, like always with you', Kyle scolds him playfully.
'Not fair', he answers with a fake disappointed face.

'Kyle, have you seen my converses?' Dan screams through his apartment.
'They are probably were you left them, actually I'm sure of that', the guy yells back.
'Funny smartass, that you catalogue your sneakers doesn't mean that everyone does.'
'Hurry Dan, we only have a couple minutes left for catching the tube.'
'We can take the next one, I can't walk out barefoot.'
'No, we can't or we're going to be late. Find those goddamn shoes.'
'I'm trying- found them! I'm coming.'
Kyle sighs: 'Making it on time isn't easy with you.'
Dan appears in the hallway and smiles guilty: 'You knew that, I can't help it.'

They arrive at the studio just in time, thanks to the punctual public transport for one time.
Woody smiles as they come inside: 'Well, look what the cat dragged in, our missing singer and keyboard player.'
'Fully ready, what are we doing Dan?' Kyle adds.
'Final rehearsal day before departure, I suggest that we practise the songs that we barely played last tour. Winter Of Our Youth for example.'
'But that one is difficult', his boyfriend protests.
'That's unfortunate', he grins before turning to Will and winking. 'Do you still know this one?'
Will isn't exactly known for his title knowledge.
'Funny', the lad replies. 'Wait, which one? Is that song even on Wild World?'
'He'll figure it out, let's start', the drummer interferes, starting the countdown with his drumsticks.

'That was a disaster', Dan remarks after the first try, grinning. 'I remember now why we didn't play this on tour. Kyle, you played more mistakes than something else. And Will, you played nothing.'
'I'm sorry', the keyboard player apologises, with an uncontrollable laughter between the words.
'Let's do that again, Will are you ready this time?', the singer asks when Kyle has calmed down a bit.
The bass player is still messing with the instrument with a serious smirk on his face, trying to recall the correct chords: 'I think I know which song we're talking about now, just wait a minute.'
Dan sighs, this is going to be a long day.

After a while, Winter Of Our Youth is presentable. They practise a few other songs that they haven't played live much, like Oil On Water and Way Beyond, before the session comes to an end. Kyle and Dan leave together, which results in a comment from their drummer.
'You two arrived together this morning and now you're leaving alongside each other, what's going on?'
The frontman blushes, but Kyle reacts well-considered: 'I left my stuff at Dan's place, we're going to get it.'
Charlie solves the situation with: 'They should be best mates after their conflict, let them be Woody.'
The last mentioned seems unconvinced, but keeps quiet.

'Act your age, you are just a teenager', the brown-eyed man playfully whispers in Dan's ear as they turn the corner.
'Can't help it, my cheeks color easily', he chuckles.
'We should announce it, before you mess it up' Kyle sticks his tongue out at him.
'Yeah we really should, we can Skype our parents when we're at my place? Or do you want to tell them personally?'
'No Skype is fine, you look good on everything' his boyfriend compliments him before placing a little kiss right under his quiff.
Dan turns bright red yet again, smiling from ear to ear.

Shortly after, they both sit in front of a computer screen, waiting for Dan's parents to pick up. Kyle sits just out of frame, so the singer can tell his parents alone.
'Hi Dan! How nice to see you sweetie', a croaking sound leaves the speakers of the computer while the camera turns on.
'Hi mum, dad. I, uh, want to tell you something. I'm in a relationship, since this morning.'
Screaming voices of joy reach his ears: 'That's amazing Daniel! Who is the lucky girl? Do we know her?'
Kyle nods his head in encouragement, so the blue-eyed boy continues: 'It's kind of a guy mum. And yes, you definitely know him... You can come out Kyle.'
The brown-eyed boy shakes his hand at the camera, awkwardly smiling.
'Oh sweetie, your dad and I are so proud of you. Nice to see you too Kyle', the sound is cutting out by some sobs.
'Indeed nice to see you Mrs Smith', his boyfriend genuinely smiles.
Dan strokes nervously through his hair and his neck. Not because he's worried that his parents won't like Kyle, let's be honest that guy is the perfect son in law, but he feels uneasy by the sight of tears in his mother's eyes. Kyle comes sitting in his lap, making him loosening up.
'I'm sorry', his mother says, wiping her eyes, 'it just makes me so emotional seeing my little boy grow up so fast. It feels so recently, when you still played with your toys and read way to thick books for your age.'
Dan groans embarrassed: 'Mum, please stop with this nostalgic shit.'
'When you still had a clean vocabulary', his mother points out laughing.
'I would love some stories from Dan's childhood Mrs Smith, he tells far too little about his past', Kyle grins.
Dan gives him a deadly stare, on which his boyfriend whispers a line of their songs that they just practised: 'And when we pick over the past we glorify it.'
'Excuse me, what did you just say Kyle?' his dad asks.
'Nothing important, just some band stuff. You know, only idiots in a band understand', he quotes Dan's figure of speech.
Dan would like to burry his head at this point, the conversation between Kyle and his parents runs way too good.
'So what's up boys, you're leaving for the North-American tour tomorrow right?' his mum saves him.
Dan picks in on that topic gratefully: 'Yes, we do. Pretty early at dawn.'
'Come on honey, we should leave them in that case. They probably still have a lot to do', his dad remarks. 'See you boys!'
'Bye Mr and Mrs Smith' the person on his lap greets them.
'Oh Kyle, please just use our surnames next time' the woman smiles. 'Take care guys, don't do stupid things while you're away. Love you sweetie.'
'Love you to mum and we promise. Bye!'
The screen turns black for a second and his parents are gone.
Kyle lets out a deep breath before asking: 'Did I do well?'
'You were brilliant, but they already loved you. Don't worry.'
Kyle's genuine smile that follows, warms his heart. His boyfriend knows that the opinion of his parents truly matter to him.

Dan quickly goes to the bathroom and sips from a glass of water before returning to his room, where Kyle waits for him.
'Okay, you're up sir. Call your parents.'
'Uhm, Dan?' Kyle hesitates before continuing. 'I think it's better that I talk to them first, individually.'
'Oh sure, I'll start packing in that case.'
He shuts the door behind him. He doesn't really understand why he isn't included in this, but he respects Kyle's wish.

A couple minutes later, there are some angryvoices noticeable. Dan suppresses the tendency to overhear the call, Kyle willtell him when he's ready. So he carries on choosing shoes to bring with himuntil he hears the slam of a door. His boyfriends angrily walks out his bedroomtowards the front door.
'Kyle? What are you doing?' he asks gently.
'I'm going to pack my stuff, see you tomorrow', Kyle tries to keep his voicedown, but it remains bursting with emotion.
'How did it go?'
'You'll hear it tomorrow, I really need to go', with those words the front doorcloses.
Dan hurries to the hallway and screams: 'Kyle, wait a moment!' but he's tooslow.
What the fuck just happened? The feelings of rejection when Kyle left him therestanding come sneaking back.
'I relive it, I relive it all' murmurs Dan under his breath.

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