Chapter 21 ˢᵐᵘᵗ

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Their meal was nice. Better than Emma had expected. She really felt like she was connecting even more with the brunette.

Emma watched Regina's every movement as the woman ate the last bits of her food.

The brunette looked up confused and carefully wiped her mouth with her napkin.

"Is everything okay?"

Emma sighed contently. For the first time since the divorce - which was almost a week ago already - she felt utterly content. As though everything in her life was back on track again.

"Yeah, it's just.." Emma smiled. "You're so beautiful."

"Not nearly as beautiful as you," Regina replied. "Emma, I've met many people in my life, but no one has such a beautiful heart as you."

Emma's cheeks heated up and she tried to cover her cheeks with the menu, but Regina laughed.

"You know I like to make you blush."

The blonde chuckled and rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah, I know." She inhaled deeply, while considering telling Regina about the room that was reserved for them.

"You really look like you need to get something off your chest," Regina said and she took the statement as an excuse to stare at Emma's exposed chest.

Emma chuckled nervously. "Right before we left, Ruby told me she had reserved a room here at Granny's for us to.. you know.. but I don't know if we should go there.. I mean, it's our first date."

Regina nodded agreed. "Yeah, perhaps it's too soon," she said before she neatly put her cutlery on her plate, signing that she was finished.

"Yeah.." Emma nodded slowly and she felt the tension building around them. "Although, we could just check it out? For fun, you know. I've always liked to see how rooms are decorated."

"Yes, me too," Regina said. "We can just check it out to look at the furniture, or something," the brunette agreed. "Do you want a dessert?"

Emma shook her head no. "I don't, but if you want something, you can order something."

"No, I think we'll just get the check. And perhaps check out that room?"

"Sounds like a plan," Emma agreed and they held up their hands for the check.

After bickering who should pay the check, they decided that Regina would pay this one and that Emma would pay the next one.

"So, you want to go out again?" Emma asked after she'd allowed Regina to pay the check.

"I'd like to, yes. You?"

"Yes, I'd love to. This night has been the best in a while," Emma responded with a smile. "But let's go."

Regina chuckled and they walked over to the counter to ask Granny for the key. She was more than happy to hand it to them.

"I think you'll find the room yourself," she said and smiled sincerely while the two women nodded politely before they took off to the room.

The keychain jingled as Emma opened the door and after she'd closed it she immediately looked at Regina. Or rather, Regina's lips.

She moved closer to the brunette and kissed her lips tenderly. Regina immediately wrapped her arms around Emma's waist as Emma pushed her against the closed door.

Emma felt her heart pounding loudly in her chest as she moved her hands lower to Regina's butt, ignoring the throbbing ache between her legs.

Regina parted her lips, granting Emma access and their tongues immediately fought for dominance, causing both women to moan loudly.

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