ch. 6 their love, available

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(If it looks different, I'm doing this from my phone)

Hyunjin pov

Jeongin's chaotic friends left and we went back to work.

I wonder why that Felix kid was all smiley and wink-and-eyebrow-wiggly and all. We didn't really do anything strange did we? I just helped him understand our cash register's system.

I look back to Jeongin only to see him rubbing the dildo hickey he had in his neck.

"Watchathinkingbout innie?" I said seeing his face. He was frowning a bit like he was thinking about something very hard.

"Oh- I uhh.. I was thinking about the suction cup's bruise.. The bit of suction felt kinda nice and I'm wondering why." He says while relaxing his face a bit.

"That may be because you like hickeys? You haven't had one before I assume, seeing that you didn't know what it even was" he shook his head and suddenly his entire face lit up as if he just got the best idea since the creation of toothpaste.

"Hyunjin hyuuuung~?" He says, his voice so sweet its like honey was just dripping off it.
He hasn't used the title hyung all this time... What does the sneaky little darling want...

"Could YOU maybe give me a hickey?" My eyes widen and I look at him while my ears undoubtedly turn red.

"JeOngIn!! No I can not! That's something you do when you're intimate with someone- or you're at a wild party. Which is most of the time my reason... ERHM" my voice got softer and softer after my first sentences but I yelled the erhm, visibly jumpscaring my baby colleague, who most likely was trying to hear what I said.

"But Hyunjin I wanna know what its like! Felix said you have to know what you like so you can have your partner or hookup focus on that" he says with puppy eyes.

I sigh "Jeonginnie we've only known eachother for a day, don't you find that awkward?"

He seems to think about that for a second before he shrugged "no not at all actually.. You're pretty chill"

This kid istg.

"Do you really want me to?"

He enthusiastically nods and claps his hands in child like excitement. "Thanks Hyunjin!" He hops over to me "okay how does this work?"

I chuckle to myself, he's cute and I might as well enjoy this a bit.

"Well, the person that gives the hickey has to pick a spot to do so. That can be by feeling around to find a sensitive spot that feels good or by just going with something convenient, under the line of the shirt for example so people won't notice it right away. What do you want me to do?" I place one hand on his waist and one on his neck, my thumb against his jaw.

"I don't really mind, if people shouldn't see it I'll just cover it with makeup. Just do whatever works. I wanna learn this" he smiled brightly and innocently.

"I'll do both to show you the difference okay?" He nods and lets his head hang back while I stroke over his neck with my thumb a bit.

I pull his yellow sweater down a bit to expose his left collarbone. I put a quick kiss on the inner corner of the bone. "I'll do the first one here okay?" He smiles softly "yeah sure!"

I pulled his sweater a bit further down to make more room. I put my lips on his  collarbone and gently started sucking on the soft skin.

His hands find their way to my back, holding onto me.

I smile, not breaking the suction. I wrap my arm around his waist, holding him close so I could make a good hickey.

It may not be a romantic first hickey but for gods sake will it be a pretty one.

After sucking for one more second I release the smooth skin from my lips, pressing a soft kiss on it. I look at the younger, who now has a deep blush across his pretty face.

"... That felt nice..." He said in a soft voice.
"Did it now?" I chuckle "should we try the other one as well?"

"Y..yeah, I want to know the difference." He smiles, somehow not embarrassed at all.

I on the other hand, well I wouldn't call it embarrassed, more like flustered. I have a cute colleague for one day and here I am already giving him hickeys.

I shrug off that thought though and start searching for his sweet spot. I first try to with my thumb but it doesn't seem to work good enough.

I lower my head and feel Jeongin lean his head back to give me space again. I press my lips against his skin, kissing around his neck for a while.

I suddenly feel his chest rise and I hear him quickly taking a deep breath in. His heartbeat quickened and I smile, not moving from the spot.

Mental note Hyunjin, on his right side about 3 horizontal fingers from his jaw

Wait why am I memorizing this like I'm going to do it again. Don't be an idiot Hyunjin, you're just showing him what a hickey is.

I press a kiss on the spot before gently biting down on the skin as I start sucking on it. Softly at first but a bit harder after a moment and I admit I got a bit carried away.

The younger didn't seem to mind though, seen as he gripped at my shirt, his breathing got faster and he let out a breathy sound, a whine almost.

I pull the boy closer with one arm for the other hand was busy holding the boy's neck. I softly squeeze his neck, and I felt him take another sharp breath in.

I release my lips from his skin for a second "what's this Innie? Do you like that feeling?"

He didn't answer, most likely trying to calm his breath down.

"I think I asked you something.." I squeezed his waist strongly, but still watching out so that I wouldn't hurt him.

"..I-" before the smaller could finish his sentence I softly choke him again.

"You were saying?" God he's so cute to tease.

"I.. Think I do.." He looks at me with such innocent eyes, yet his mouth is opened slightly and a deep dark blush covered his cute face.

"I'm pretty sure you do hun" I released my grip from him, making him think it was done only to strongly pull him back again.

I kiss the same place as previously, before I bit down, harder this time. I start sucking on his skin again.

His reaction was cute as could be. He gripped at my shirt and his breath quickened a lot.

I put slight pressure around his neck again, choking him a bit harder this time.

He softly whines through his breath. After a few seconds I pulled my lips away, which got me a better grip on his neck.

I gave one last squeeze before I tried to pull my hand away. Jeongin stops my hand from leaving his neck though, by placing his hands around my wrist.

"I.. I really, rea-lly like it...."

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