Ch 31. their love, true

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Hyunjin pov

I'm looking at the ceiling, trying to think of a way to put it to words. "Well... My first time... It's not really a fantastic story, but I'll just be honest to you. There's no gain in making up a bullshit story anyways. I was 16, at a party. I uhm... I met this guy and he got me a drink and after that we talked for a bit and danced. And... Well I got drunk and had taken some stuff and... yeah..."

I pause for a moment to take a deep breath and think about my next words. "he... invited me to the back and I couldn't think, or walk for that matter, straight and he guided me to his car and... before I knew it, it was over and I was stumbling back into the club, hurt, wasted and feeling gross... on the other hand, he could've done something way worse instead... Not very romantic, no..."

Jeongin presses a kiss against my lips and softly hugs me "That's not at all nice.... Was he one of the guys on that picture?" My eyes widen and I let my head lay back against the wall. I close my eyes and let out a huff of disbelief while I smile, but without happiness. "You saw... of course you saw..."

"...if you don't want to tell me you don't have to..." He sounded sad and buried his face in my chest. "no kitten, I do want you to know, otherwise it feels like I'm keeping something hidden from you, or am lying to you, you don't deserve that. No he was not one of those men on the picture. I was I think 17 there? The men in the picture are Jake and Robin (A/n, random names, not aiming for anyone with this).I went to that club very often after that night with the man. I don't know why I did, but I kept on coming back. After a while I found out that by talking and 'entertaining' men there, you could get a lot. Free drinks and several kinds of drugs for example."

Jeongin looks at me with a sad look but didn't interrupt me. "I did that a lot and eventually I came there nearly every night. It was a bad phase for me. Sometimes that 'entertainment' would end up in having sex with them or letting them touch me, as an unofficial exchange for the things they gave me. I basically lived in a constant daze back then. I wasn't a real whore, but I did build up quite the reputation. People started calling me the 'beautiful distraction' and men started coming there especially for me. I'm not going to deny that back then I really enjoyed the attention and how everyone seemed to want me." I chuckle softly while I gently pull Jeongin close.

"They sometimes hurt or used me badly, but most guys were, for as far as that's possible for that kind of people, nice and respectful. I had several addictions that didn't lessen in the least. I thought I enjoyed it, but in the back of my head I always knew it could end very badly.... Then when I was... I think 18 I met Woojin...."


I was dancing on the free use stage to High Heels by JoJo. Quite fitting, I was wearing black stiletto heels that I got as a present from a man that came to see me, loose black jeans and a belt harness under my dark red crop top. When the song was over a man I knew as Jake walked up to the stage and held out his hand for me to take it. I gently put my hand on his and smiled at him before sitting down on the edge on the stage with elegantly crossed legs. I felt people's eyes still burning on me, so I looked around and sent them all a bright smile and a wave. 

"Someone asked for you. Well, actually someone's FRIEND asked for you to the guy. He's called Woojin, do you know him?" The man ran his hand over my thigh while he looked up at me. Jake was kind of a shortcut to find me. During the times I had come here we became friends and if you found him, you basically found me as well. I shook my head "never heard of a Woojin, but I'll go greet him." I hopped off the stage and did a tiny twirl when I landed. Jake put his arm around my waist and guided me to where this Woojin guy and his friend were. 

A few people greeted me on my way to him and I smiled or winked at them. By now it was basically a habit. When we reached the place I immediately recognized one of the three men. "Jacksoon~" I said and hugged him. He had one time asked for me, literally just to talk and have a laugh so I remembered him easily. "Hey Hyunjin how you doing?" He said while he hugged me back. "I'm good, nothing wrong yet, it's early" I winked at him, but not the flirty kind of wink, and laughed softly. 

"Now, who are these gentlemen?" I nodded at the two men standing next to him with my hands folded behind my back. "This is Jimin, and that's Woojin" The man he introduced as Woojin stood there a bit awkwardly, while Jimin radiated pure confidence and charm. He had dark grey hair and a bright smile.  "So you're the one everyone's talking about? I admit, you absolutely deserve the title." He looked me up and down, but not in the creepy, eyerape way, but seemingly just to appreciate the clothing. "Thank you very much" I smiled and nodded softly at him.

Jackson had his arm around my waist in a half hug and I leaned against his shoulder. Jake nodded at us "I think you guys will be fine, I'll be off now Hyunjinnie" I smiled and waved at him in tiny. "Byebyee~" The four of us moved to a more or less empty couch and Jackson already had a mix drink ready for me "This is the one you had last time right?"

"Yup, thankyouu" I smiled and sipped the drink. The night is young, I have plenty time to get wasted, I want to know more about these men first. I sat down on Jimin's lap gently and crossed my legs again, my left foot swinging up and down on the beat of the music. The other men sat on Jimin's left, so that's where I faced. Jimin didn't seem bothered by this and softly put his hands around my waist so I sat steady.

"So, what brings you guys here? Everyone comes here with some idea of what they want" I sat comfortably on the man's lap and looked at the others. "I just came here to have a good time again, Jimin came along because he was interested in the club, and you, and we kind of begged Woojin to come along." Jackson chuckled while he tapped my thigh softly.

Woojin had been silent this whole time so I shifted my attention to him, leaning forward on Jimin's lap, subconsciously arching my back so my ass didn't disappear. "Is there really nothing of your interest here then, mr. Woojin?" I asked him with a smile. He shrugged slightly "Not exactly, no. Although I must admit, you really are as interesting as Jackson told me. And I don't know if this is a question I shouldn't ask, but I'd like to meet up with you sometime, not for anything weird, just in a more quiet setting so we can talk better. I'm curious as to how you got this kind of reputation and got in this setting in the first place."

I raised my eyebrow at him and smoothly got up out of Jimin's lap, moving to the empty spot next to Woojin instead. I put my elbow behind him on the back of the couch, my face leaning on my hand a bit "Are you serious? Like are you actually asking me to meet up somewhere else, to talk?" I asked him in slight disbelief. "Yes I'm serious. I can barely think here and from what I heard from Jackson, you're actually a very bright, kind kid and I want to know more about you."

"Well mister, newsflash, you're not SUPPOSED to think that much here. But, sure, why not." Woojin chuckled and looked at me "Why not? Because I might be a rapist, kidnapper, murdered etc" I giggled "those types come around here as well, without a doubt, so coming with you doesn't seem like it'll be that much more dangerous. Shall I give you my number? That way you can just message me tomorrow or tonight" 

He agreed and I gave him my number. I moved back to Jimin and sat on his lap again, from my knees down to the tip of my heels over Jackson's lap. They got a few jealous glances when I leaned against Jimin's chest and poked the point of my stiletto heel on Jackson's thigh, showing off my leg by doing so. Jackson laughed softly and absentmindedly traced his fingers over my calves, drawing little circles on my leg with his index finger.

Something about these men is really likeable and I stayed longer with them than I was originally planning to. Maybe because they didn't objectify me but just talked normally to me and laughed with me like we were friends. 

No. Just because they treat me nicely does not mean they're my friends. I'm only here because they asked for my company. That's not friendship. That's using and being used.

End flashback (for now)

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