Chapter Five: The Day of Rehearsal

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Hey ya'll! Just wanted to say thanks for all the reads and votes! Hope you like chapter five! :)


        Mitch was nervous all day; getting ready, preparing what he was going to say to Travis when he showed up, and how he was going to introduce him to everyone. He tried to avoid Scott because he reminded him of his dream. It was 5pm when Mitch; sitting in his room, heard a knock on their door.

            “Hey Travis.” Mitch heard Scott’s voice.

            After hearing his name, Mitch ran to the front door, stopping in his tracks when he saw Travis standing in the doorway.

            “Hey beautiful,” Travis waved at Mitch, “did you miss me?”

            “H-hi Travis.” Mitch said, blushing.

            Travis walked in and kissed Mitch on the cheek. They linked arms and intertwined their fingers.

            “So what time are we leaving?” Scott asked.

            “I think we should leave for Kirstie’s in about 30 minutes.” Mitch answered; keeping his attention locked on Travis. “Maybe we can watch an episode of SpongeBob before we go?”

            “Sure, whatever you want babe.” Travis said leaning close to Mitch’s ear.

Scott’s face turned red with anger. “Go ahead and start the episode without me,” he said, “I will be right back.” Scott ran to his room and locked the door. I hate him! Scott thought. I hate that Mitch loves him and not me! I hate him! Scott’s mind was overflowing with hatred for Travis. He tried to pull himself together and finally did when Mitch knocked on his door.

            “Scott?” Mitch asked, leaning against the door. “It’s time to go. Are you coming?”

Scott answered; trying to use his best normal voice he could muster; “no you two go on without me. I’ll meet you there.”

            “Okay. See you there.” Mitch said disappointed.

            Once Scott heard the front door close and silence flowing through the air in the apartment; he started to sob into his pillow.  As soon as he calmed himself; he grabbed his keys, a box of tissues; and ran out the door hoping to make it to rehearsal on time.

            Scott ran into Kirstie’s apartment at exactly 6pm. “Sorry I’m late.”

            “It’s ok,” Kirstie said, “we haven’t started yet anyway.”

            Scott saw Travis sitting on the living room couch; glaring at him.

            “So what are we rehearsing today?” Kevin asked.

            “We are going to practice; Love Again, Valentine, Say Something, and the Evolution of Beyonce.” Avi answered, looking at his notes.

            They started practicing Love Again when Scott saw that Travis’ eyes were glued to Mitch. So, he decided to get as close to Mitch as possible. Travis didn’t seem jealous by this so Scott hugged Mitch right after every song. This still had no reaction from Travis. Soon, Scott just gave up.

            After rehearsal, Scott was the first to leave. After waving goodbye to everyone; he ran to his car, determined to make it to the apartment before Mitch. After about ten minutes of driving, he made it home and ran inside. He got dressed in his PJ’s and turned on Mitch’s favorite TV show, SpongeBob.

            Meanwhile, back at rehearsal; Mitch and Travis were saying their goodbyes and headed out the door. As, Travis drove, Mitch looked out the window at the passing lights and the stars; wondering why Scott kept getting really close to him all night. He didn’t realize someone was shaking him.

            “Mitch? We’re here.” Travis said.

            “Huh?” Mitch asked, turning toward Travis.

            “We’ve been outside your apartment building for a while now and you didn’t even notice.” Travis stared.

            “Oh. Sorry. I was just looking at the beautiful stars.”

            Travis jumped out of the car to open the door for Mitch. Mitch blushed at this and they walked to the door together, hands intertwined. Once they reached the door, Travis stopped. “Mitch wait,” he said, pulling Mitch back from the door.

            “Yea?” Mitch asked, turning around to face Travis.

            Travis leaned in and kissed Mitch, slowly pulling him closer. Mitch gave into the kiss and held Travis tightly around his neck. Once they both came up for air; they hugged and said goodbye. Mitch walked through the door of the apartment, shut the door, and slid to the floor; giggling.

            “What’s with all the giggling?” Scott asked Mitch as he walked into the kitchen.

            “Oh, nothing.” Mitch replied, standing up and walked into the kitchen next to Scott.

            “No!” Scott screamed, “he kissed you didn’t he?!”

            “Maybe…” Mitch said.

            Scott was silent and walked to his room. What’s his problem? Mitch thought; staring at Scott’s door. Mitch walked over to his door and knocked softly. “Scott?” He called to him. “Are you okay?”

            Scott opened the door quickly, startling Mitch. Mitch could tell that Scott had started to cry, but he didn’t know why. Scott invited him in and sat on the bed; Mitch joined him.

            “Why were you crying?” Mitch asked Scott.

            “I wasn’t.” Scott said defensively.

            “Those red eyes say otherwise. Really, what’s wrong?”


            “Don’t you push me away! We are going to sit here until you tell me and it better be the truth!”

            “Okay okay… It’s just… that… I…”

            “It’s ok. You can tell me.”

            “I love you.”


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