A kiss is just a kiss right?

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I am super excited to share with you my first story writing that I've done on these two amazing cosplayers
Hope you all enjoy this story
I linked the song I was listening to while I wrote this. You should definitely listen to it. It is a really good song.

3rd person
It was the beginning of Amanda's birthday and unfortunately they were in lockdown because of Covid19. Amanda woke up and realised that it was her birthday today and she was super sad that it was in lockdown so she couldn't go and see her friends Nikki and Rachel, Emma and Izzy but she was too sad about that as she still had her roommates and Liz to celebrate with. Amanda went into Liz's room to see if she was awake and Liz wasn't there so the brunette went back into her room and picked out her outfit for the day and went to shower.

<time skip>

Once the brunette was ready she went into the kitchen to get some breakfast and saw Liz and her roommates stood there.
"Happy Birthday Amanda"said all of her roommates and Liz.
"Thank you everyone."said Amanda with a great big grin on her face.
"We got you gifts."said Liz.
"Aww you didn't have to."Amanda happily exclaimed.
"Of course we did,it's your birthday!"Liz shouted
"Calm down Liz,I don't really care about gifts.I'm just happy that I got to spend the day with all of you."Amanda explained
"Just open the gifts Amanda."Liz demanded.
"Ok."said Amanda.
Amanda opens her gift from all of her roommates to see a bunch of new cosplay stuff.
"Thank you guys."Amanda said thankfully.
"Open mine now."Liz said
"Ok."Amanda exclaimed.

Amanda opens the gift from Liz to see a beautiful necklace.
"This is beautiful,thank you Liz."said Amanda.
"I'm glad you like it, now go and get ready for the party."Liz Demanded.
"There is a party?"Amanda questioned.
"Amanda of course there is a party. Its your birthday. We have to celebrate somehow." Liz said.
"Ok."Amanda said.

<time skip(it's like 6pm there now)>
Amanda finishes on the phone with Nikki and Rachel,Emma and Izzy. She then goes to pick out her outfit for the party. She picks out a really pretty dress that she owns.

Amanda Pov.
I picked this dress to hope that it impresses Liz. I still can't believe that I have had feelings for her for this long and I haven't told her yet. I just hope that she feels the same way. I'm just going to enjoy this party and hope for the best.

"Hey Amanda,You look really nice,"Liz said.
"Aww thanks Liz,you look really beautiful too."Exclaimed Amanda.

I can't believe Liz just said that to me. I hope tonight is the day I'll finally tell her how I really feel about her but probably not.

"Are you ready for the party?"asked Liz.
"Yes."reply's Amanda.
"Ok,let's go and party."said Liz

I go with Liz to where the party is and I go and get some grape juice and start partying with Liz and my roommates.
<time skip to later in the night when Amanda and Liz get drunk>

"Liz,do you want to dance?"Amanda asked
"Ok."replied Liz.

Me and Liz start dancing and we end up staring into each other. Liz leans closer into me and I just lean closer into her and our lips start touching for a while and then she pushes away.

"I'm sorry."Amanda studders
"It's ok."Liz says

I just don't listen to her and run straight to my room and change into my pjs and go to sleep.

<time skip to the next day>

3rd person
Amanda wakes up and goes to shower and changes into her outfit for the day.
The brunette goes into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Liz then walkes in and see Amanda stood there.

"Good morning Amanda."says Liz
"Good morning Liz."says Amanda
"So can we talk about what happened last night?"asked Liz
"Ok."replies Amanda
"What happened?"Liz asked
"I kissed you as I was drunk and wasn't thinking but a kiss is just a kiss right,it didn't mean anything to you did it?"asked Amanda

Oooo the end of the first part of this story. A bit of a cliffhanger though. Sorry about that but I wanted it to end like this. Hope you enjoyed this part.

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