The kiss that changes everything

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Here it is part 2 to a kiss is just a kiss. I don't know how many chapters there will be but here's chapter 2.

Liz pov
I can't believe she just asked me this question. I've had feelings for her for sooo long and that kiss did mean something to me but I don't want to tell her that and ruin our friendship so I guess I'll just have to lie to her. I hate having to do that but I don't know if she likes me too so I don't want things to become awkward.

"No of course it didn't mean anything but the silly thing is I feel like for our joint channel we should make a bunch of cmvs and they can be shipping,if you don't mind them being."Liz said.
"That is a really good idea and our photo shoots could become shippy to." Amanda said exitedly.
"Ok. Don't we have a photo shoot this afternoon?"Liz asked.
"Oh yeah we do. We are meant to be doing Sinso and Denki."Amanda replied.
"What time is the photo shoot at?"Liz asked.
"It's at 12pm at the bridge."Amanda replied.
"Oh we better get ready then."Says Liz.

We both go up to our rooms and get ready for our photo shoot today. I'm super excited that we get to do shippy photos though and not those really boring photos we do all the time.

<time skip>

3rd person
Liz and Amanda get to the bridge ready for their photo shoot.

"Ok,girls are you ready for the photos?"asked their photographer.
"Yes we are."they both reply.
"Ok so can you get in the first pose."asked the photographer.
"Ok."replied Amanda.
They get into the pose that they need to do.

<time skip>

A few hours had passed by and they were on their last photo.
"Ok, are you ready for this last pose?"asked their photographer.
"Yes we are."Amanda says
"Ok,get in the pose please"says the photographer.
"Ok."says Liz
They get into their last pose for the day.
"Ok,that's it for today. I'll get the edited and sent to you."says the photographer.
"Ok thank you."says Amanda
"If you ever need me again just let me know"said the photographer
"Ok we will."said Liz

This was the pose they did for the last photo

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This was the pose they did for the last photo.

Amanda pov
Wow that was a long day of photos but now I've just realised that the kiss has changed our friendship. We never did shippy photos and now we are because of that kiss but at least I know that Liz is comfortable with doing that kind of stuff with me now and maybe one day I'll tell her I like her but we'll just see. I really do hope that she likes me too.
We are meant to be filming a cmv tomorrow and that's going to be fun as it's shippy to and I get to be close to Liz. I still can't believe how much that kiss has changed our friendship. What if it changes too much of our friendship?

Ooo that's the end of this chapter. What do you think will happen next? How much of their friendship do think will change? Hope you enjoy this soo far.

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