The start of a new chapter for this friendship💗

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Sorry I haven't updated this in a while I've been busy.

Liz pov:
Omg Amanda asked me to be her girlfriend and I've been waiting for this moment since I worked out that I had feelings for her.

"Of course Amanda I'll be your girlfriend."I said with a massive smile across my face.

Amanda picked me up and hugged me so hard.

"Amanda, I can't breath."I said
"Oh I'm sorry I'm just really happy."Amanda said apologetically.
"Hey it's ok, I understand that your happy. I'm happy to."I said
"Let's go back to mine then and get ready for bed it's really late and I'm tried from cmv making."Amanda said.
"Okay."I said.

Amanda and me went back to her place to get ready to go to bed.

"Liz are you coming?" Amanda asked.
"Where are we going?" I asked curiously
"To shower" Amanda replied.
"Okay."I said

Amanda and me went in the shower. Amanda got in the shower first and she had told me to wait for her to finish but I just snuck up behind her.

"Liz you scared me."Amanda said.
"I'm sorry."I said
"Hey it's okay but I thought that I said wait for me to finish."Amanda said with confusion on her face.
"I wanted to shower with you."I said
"Okay then but I'm done now so I'm going to go and get some pjs on."Amanda said
"Okay then I'll be coming in a bit."I said
"Okay."Amanda said

I finished showering and went into the bedroom to put my pjs on and saw that Amanda was already asleep so i just cuddled up to her and fell asleep.

The next day

Amanda pov
I woke up to see that Liz was cuddled up next to me. I got up trying not to wake her up and went to make some breakfast for us.

"Good morning Amanda."Liz said
"Good morning. I made us some breakfast."I said
"Okay."Liz said

We finished breakfast and went to get our outfits for the day.

"Liz do you want to watch a movie as we aren't doing much today?"I asked
"Yes I'd love to"Liz repiled.

We went into the living room and I let Liz pick the movie. We were half way into the movie and then the door knocked.

"Who's that?"Liz asked.
"I don't know but I'll got get it."I replied
"Okay."Liz said.

I got up and went to answer the door and saw two of mine and lizs amazing friends....

Hope you enjoyed part 1 of this story.

Part 2 will come out once I've finished my new story and the next part will be a lot more smut and a lot more gay❤️❤️

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