The truth is out but their friendship hasnt changed.

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Liz pov
She likes me yay I can tell her the truth but I don't want to change our friendship. Not yet anyway.
"Amanda,I like you too but I don't want our friendship to change just yet. Can we keep it the same."I said
"Of course we can keep it the same. I needed to tell you as it was killing me keeping it from you."Amanda said.
"I'm glad you told me."I said
"I'm glad I told you too."Amanda said.
"I have got to go and get some stuff done. Glad we had this chat."I said.
"Ok. Speak to you later."Amanda said
"Ok."I said as I was leaving the room.

Amanda pov
She likes me. I'm glad our friendship hasn't become awkward though and that we can be friends. I want nothing more just yet but one day I will be surprising her by asking her. I do hope that one day our friendship will be more but right now it will just have to stay the way it is. I know at the end of our second cmv shooting I'll take her to her favourite restaurant and then I'll ask her.

"Amanda, are you ready to go and shoot another cmv?"Liz asked
"Yes I'll be one minute"I replied.
"Ok."Liz said.

<time skip>

3rd person
"That was fun."Liz said
"Yeah it really was. Hey I'm hungry do you want to go and grab something to eat?"Amanda asked.
"Ok. Where do you want to go?"Liz asked
"We can go to your favourite restaurant."Amanda replied.
"Ok."Liz said

<time skip to when they finish eating>

"Liz I have something I want to ask you."said Amanda
"Ok what is it."Liz said
"Liz we have been friends for a while now and earlier today I found out that u likes me and that made me the happiest person alive. Liz will you do the honour on being my girlfriend?" Amanda asked

Hope you have all enjoyed this chapter. When  ever I put I at then end. I am referring to the person speaking but it's their POV so I put I instead of their name.

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