The Nurse

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hey guys, this is my first book, and don't worry I plan to make more. Me and one of my best friends wanted to write a book for a long time now so here it goes. And don't get excided; it's my first time and it will 83.9% be teribble. (don't ask why about the number) So by all means, (try to) enjoy.


"And she's good too, wow, that'll be 9 in a row." says a nice looking woman, at the side of my bed.

Wait, I'm in a bed, but not my bed?

What is this place? Wait?

Who am I?

Why am I here?

What's going on?

The woman looks at me. She looks shocked, like it's the first time she's ever seen me. I think she's a nurse; there's a nametag on her scrubs. I can't see it very, well, but I know that it's 5 letters. She goes in the corridor, and calls a man named George.

"George! George!! Yoo hoo! George! Oh for goodness sake! George!!" she yells.

"One second please," a man says, I think that was George.

I look around me, and see that I'm chained to this bed! Both my feet and hands! I think that I'm in a hospital. But why? This place is weird. Not green food that's not a vegy weird. But like a Gotham statue building kind of weird.

"What do you want? I'm working." says George.

"Well, um, you see- I-I, I mean, sh-she, uh..." the woman says, or at least tries to. George cuts her off.

"Well say it Carla! I don't have all day!!!" he bellows.

That was her name. Carla, pretty name, I wonder what mine is?

"George!" she yells back,"she awake!".

They both look at me like I'm a monkey in a zoo, eating a grape. George is about 6 feet tall, his black hair matches with his dark brown eyes. He has those weird glasses that lawyers, and doctors wear. He's about 37, 38 maybe? I don't know?

Carla is a pretty faced lady, in her 20s. Very young, she has curly blackish hair that drops below her shoulders. I can tell that she's new and needs the money from this work. Oh and did I mention she's engaged. With a very pretty ring might I say.

I saw all of this in the span of less than 2 minutes. Pretty proud of myself, whoever I am.

"Um hello?" says George, looking nervous might I add. Like I'm a witch and I just took his kids or something. Pretty weird for someone who yelled at someone else just because they were nervous. Right?

"How do you feel?" say Carla, from behind him.

"I- um, I have some questions," I say. Wow, I have a cool voice.

"ok, well we'll be right back" says George, "I mean I'll be right back. Carla will, um Because I have to- ok then uh-"

He then runs off, doesn't finish. Why? Again I don't know. Carla stays with me. I think she's a nice person, so far.

"Hunny, you have to listen to me." she says, out of nowhere after George leaves." Your name is Lillyan. Your friends call you Lilly. You aren't sick, you're going to get knocked out and put in a mental hospital. The people there will call you a different name, don't listen to them unless they call you by it understood?"

I have more questions, but I simply nod.

"Good," she continues, " you mustn't forget who you are. Now remember these 2 things; 20541, and blue skies don't make trees green. Now I know that you have more questions but we only have time for 2. 3 if you make them quick. And go."

I don't know what to say. I think of the first thing on my mind.

"How did I get here?" I say as quickly as I can.

"I don't know sweety," she says.

"Ok um, where can I find you?' I say.

"You won't be coming back here and you'll figure it out." she says, looking upset." You have time for one more quick one."

"Ok, I- uh, I, oh, um who am I?"I say.

She takes out a paper and puts it in my pocket. I have pockets?

"They should be here any minute now, Lilly. " she says, "don't fight them and they won't bug you." she says. And runs out of the room. Less than 5 seconds later George comes in with 2 other guys and then I'm knocked out. All I see is black.

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