Chapter 5: The E Team

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AHHHHH it has been way too long and for that I apologize! I started a summer job which has taken up so much of my time recently and I'm also studying for a big exam next year :( 

I've finally settled into a routine and was able to dedicate some time again to my story. Thank you for reading and your support means the world to me <3

Now, on with the story!!


I move my laptop closer to me so I can get a better view of the assignment I'm working on.

Nope, it's still shit up close too.

I slowly put my head down onto my laptop and take a few deep breaths. It's not a particularly hard assignment. I've just been so overwhelmed lately that it's hard to focus. Who in their right mind gives this much work to do when the world is hanging on by a bare thread?!

I have three lines written so far and that includes the title.

With a final exertion of energy, I lift my head back up and scroll through the assignment details one more time.

We had to pick a health issue that dominated a particular time period and discuss the ethical dilemmas that surrounded it.

Wait. How about the virus that's going around right now? There are so many ethical dilemmas around it, probably too many to count.

Isolate even though it isn't airborne? Who gets the vaccine first? Who even determines these things?

My fingers rapidly glide across the keyboard as I begin to document my thoughts. I spend some time researching into similar issues and integrate them into the paper.

The words flow so freely from me, that I didn't even realize I was going over the word limit.

As I'm typing frantically, the TV turns on, casting a dim light in the dark living room.

I look around the room in shock, wondering if I was in the presence of any ghost-like creatures. I check around me too, in case I was sitting on the remote or something.


I wrap my study blanket around myself tighter, an unsettling feeling washing over me.

I focus on the monitor as a blurry message pops up on the screen, alongside a low beeping noise:

Yup, it's happening.

The. Purge.

Except it isn't. Instead, the message reads:

Attention: please view this important update from the Vinteria Precinct as it pertains to ongoing events related to Oz-X.

Remember to remain calm and support each other through these difficult times.

The video cuts to show a bare podium stand with a slim microphone attached to it. The background is grey and stark with a misty haze created by the rain.

A familiar figure walks to the podium, a black umbrella in hand.

Same jacket, same expression.


Elliot gives the crowd a once-over, his eyes scanning steadily. He clears his throat slightly before looking into the camera to begin.

"Thank you for your attention. I know many of you have concerns over the rising number of deaths in our town. The unfortunate and blatant truth is that there is a serial killer in Vinteria. This is in addition to the rise in cases of Oz-X" he says, gripping the umbrella tightly.

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