The Kind Malfoy #1

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When Harry's name had been pulled from the Goblet, Athena watched as his friends turned on him. Where once people had been friendly to him, they now shut him out. The only person to stick with him was Athena.


Harry and Athena were sitting along the lake edge, looking at a book of sorts that Neville had given Harry. Said book giver was ankle deep in water, looking at some plants. 

"Amazing. Amazing!" 

"Neville, dear..." Athena said, getting his attention. 


"You're doing it again." Harry said, flipping through the pages of the book. 

"Right, sorry." 

"It's not a big problem. Just remember that Harry's not as interested in the same stuff you are." Athena assured. 

"Magical Water Plants of the Highland Locks?" Harry asked, flipping it to the front cover. 

"Yeah. Dobby gave it to me after I had tea with Moody." 

Athena saw Neville waving at somebody, and looked over her shoulder. 


She nudged him while getting to her feet. She kept her expression neutral, knowing that it wouldn't help the situation if she were to appear angry. Harry stood up, and went to greet his friends. Athena was a little suspicious. She wasn't too keen about them being around Harry at the moment. 

"Ron would like to tell you, that Seamus told him, that Dean was told by Pavarti, that Hagrid's looking for you." Hermione said, looking a little uncomfortable. 

"Is that right? Well...what?" 

Hermione went back to Ron, confirming what she was supposed to say, before coming back. 

"Dean was told by Pavarti that....please don't ask me to say this again," She pleaded. "Hagrid's looking for you." 

Athena rolled her eyes. 

"Well you can Ron that --" 

"I'm not an owl!" Hermione snapped. 

"Well you sound like one." Athena said. 

Hermione finally seemed to notice Athena standing just behind Harry. The aforementioned witch walked forward until she was eye-to-eye with Hermione. 

"You and Ron are being horrible friends." 

"Excuse me?" 

"You heard me, Granger. Or do I have to spell it out for you? You two are being h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e f-r-i-e-n-d-s. Harry knows the rules. He follows them to a fault. Then again, so do you, and yet you seem to be the rudest witch I've ever met." 

Athena slung her bag over her shoulder, and turned to Harry and Neville. 

"I'll be in McGonagall's office if you two need me." 

Athena quickly made her way to the castle. She dodged and weaved through the crowded halls, and made it to her desired location. She knocked on McGonagall's door, and waited before entering. 

"Ms. Malfoy. What can I do for you?" 

"It's about the Triwizard tournament. I was curious to see if there was anything that I could do to help?"

"How do you mean?"

"Well, it's a bit of a stretch. But if I can get Mr. Crouch to agree to it, I'd like to offer myself as support of sorts."

The two discussed the idea, and what possible ways Athena would be allowed to help. Athena just hoped that it would work in her favor.

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