☕︎ Tsukiyama Shuu: Imagine you're his human ☕︎

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There was nothing wrong with being human until you became aware of ghouls. There was nothing wrong with being human until you became afraid to walk alone at night. There was nothing wrong with being human until you met Tsukiyama Shuu.

It was at Seinan Gakuin High School where you caught his eyes; those purple orbs that reflected the lavender bushes marking the perimeter of your house. His whole world was filled with that unnatural colour and you could only drown deeper in his existence as you sat next to him in class. When you weren't staring at him, he was watching you and the way the summer breeze would ruffle your (H/C) hair and how your eyes would skim the kanji written in your books. You were the only human he had met that roused his hunger but in a way drastically different from what he had previously experienced. He hungered for his hands to be trailing goose-bumps across your delicious flesh and his tongue to create a trail of saliva down the pulse of your neck. He wanted the human, that boiled such a hungry desire, to be hidden away from any other ghoul and remain to chained to his bed so he could savour you carefully and oh-so-slowly.

It was five months into your second year of high school when Tsukiyama finally departed from the obnoxious group of school girls at lunch to approach you. While walking over to you and holding a pseudo bento box, Tsukiyama ran his heightened gaze over your form as you bit into your sandwich. He wondered what you tasted, what textures caressed your tongue as you savoured the flavour seasoning your senses, he wanted to know what made you tick as you looked at him but refused to touch. Your hair seemed soft, your body just in the right proportion and small enough to fit against his own and your eyes... so human with that subtle hint of fear but beautiful as life brightened your (E/C) hues.

"I didn't think you'd be one to eat a lunch box" you spoke aloud as you swallowed your last bite. It was reminiscent of home.

"I'm a man suited for change" he chuckled with a slight flirtation as if he was testing the waters as he swallowed his hunger, the sight of the water you drank from allowing stray droplets to trail down your chin and under the shadow of you shirt collar held something sensual. He could find every simple, innocent thing you could do and morph it into a thought that stirred his libido.

"It seems so, would you eat with me",

"It's a shame to say but I've already eaten, mon cher", the announcement made your shoulders droop slightly.

"That is a shame-" you sighed, "- but I suppose you could still sit beside me and we could talk?"

It came out more like a question than the statement you intended it to be. It reflected the feelings concocting in your stomach as you internally screamed a cheer of hallelujah. All you wanted was him to take notice of you and here he was, approaching you first with that air of beautiful and intoxicating extravagance.

"Don't mind if I do" he chuckled,

"So... Tsukiyama-",

"Please call me Shuu" he interrupted. Even if it was a pet peeve of yours you brushed it off as a symptom of the silver spoon and smiled into the use of his first name.

"Shuu, how are you finding classes?", you cringed back at the lame small talk.

"They are made much better with you there".

Tsukiyama knew he had you wrapped around his finger with the immediate red flush tinted your face. It was too adorable and only magnified his want as he listened to your rapidly beating heart and could just imagine the warm blood now pumping frantically through your veins.

You were a delicacy to behold.

"You're always so smart, I get so jealous when you work through the math problems so fast" you tried to compliment under your bashful exterior. You were so embarrassed. In front of your crush, a girl typically wants to be confident and fun, not an awkward, blushing mess.

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