☕︎ Juuzou Suzuya: you're Shinohara's daughter ☕︎

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A/N: Hey! I'm the chick writing these imagines. I just wanted to tell you if you want to request preferences or an imagine just DM me the scenario and the character.

By the way, I haven't written for Juuzou before so please don't be hard on me!

Thanks for reading,
Dream x


There was one rule for the three children of Yukinori Shinohara: don't go near Juuzou. You could tell he loved the boy to bits but in the few times you saw him from your bedroom window you could tell something was off. Maybe it was the hair, or maybe it was that deranged look in his red eyes accentuated by pale skin and deep, sleepless bruises.

What interested you most was how girly he looked while at the same time cute, like you would think of a guy at school. He wore these adorable red slippers and dotted suspenders, reminding you very much of a circus clown. The pins in his hair shaped into Roman numerals told you he put some kind of effort into his appearance so maybe he really did want to look like he just woke up. There was nothing wrong with that but it was somehow endearing while odd and intriguing.

The will to stay away only becomes weaker as your dad tells you to do just that.

It's early morning, a school morning when you see Juuzou sitting on the brick wall guarding your house. His eyes are too wide for Tuesday morning but you find the green lollipop in his mouth might be the reason why.

This is my opportunity, you think as you finished pulling on your navy sweater for school. Your dad was surely still getting ready and making the mandatory checks on his quinque, you didn't think he'd notice if you just gave the childish Investigator just a minute or two of attention.

You walked down the stairs on your top toes, like prey escaping a predator. Thankfully, in your modern home -provided by the CCG- there were no creaking floorboards and your knee-high socks could only lessen the echo of your footsteps. Soon enough, you reached the door with a hallelujah and a nervously pumping heart; it hammered like a hummingbird in a cage just itching to get out and see the only thing deemed forbidden.

You grabbed your bag at the door as if you were ready to leave for school. One thing about this, you never left before your dad so you thrummed with subdued anticipation.

"Shinohara-san! Finally, you were taking so long" the boy whined, his voice high-pitched and girlish but still with a roughness that surprised you.

"Do I look like my dad?".

Juuzou focused on you then. You were probably around the same height and he couldn't comprehend that his partner could make such a cute girl.

Shinohara-san's wife must be pretty, he thought. You had (H/C) hair that just laid perfectly atop your head and deep, (E/C) eyes that contrasted his so perfectly. He didn't know Shinohara had a daughter around his age but once he found out he was buzzing. In some ways, you reminded him of a miniature, girl version of your dad.

"No, you're not Shinohara-san, who are you?~" he asked with bubbling excitement. He then threw his lollipop into his cheek, to create a bump in his pale face, and jumped off the wall to become inches from you. Immediately, the hair went up on your skin, there was something dangerous about this boy, you felt it in your gut and your dad always told you to trust it.

"I'm (Y/N) Shinohara, the third year in high school, you?",

"Juuzou Suzuya, ghoul investigator at your service~" he grinned before extending out a sticky hand coated in lollipop juice. With the feeling in your stomach now making your heart tremble, you gratefully took it and felt the rough imprint of stitches running up his hand and along his arm.

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