☕︎ Kishou Arima: Imagine you and Arima are up late ☕︎

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You only live once doesn't apply to ghouls. They can have their limbs severed, experience terrific blunt force trauma to the head, have a sword pierce their stomach yet still not die. Ghouls were the angels of death and your job was to protect them. You were part of V, you were the organization that hid under the shadows and maintained the balance between your world and theirs. You didn't want to kill but it was all for a wider purpose and as an artificial one-eyed ghoul you were much more of a help than as a human. You were neither an angel or devil, not prey or predator, you were trapped in the stasis between. The only person who could alleviate that pain was your superior.

Kishou Arima was a mystery disguised by a white coat, quinque and glasses. He was an enigma you itched to figure out but instead, you decided to remain by his side and let that desire sleep as romantic feelings began to boil your blood until you submitted to your heart. Even despite his quiet demeanour, you could tell when you kissed him he enjoyed it more than he should've. Despite what people thought, he didn't initiate any display of affection and it was left to you to sate his needs. He was the only person that could save you from damnation, so what else could you do but please him in whatever way you could, let him know he was loved?

While he worked, you would crawl under his arms, straddle his legs and hold him close as he scanned CCG reports; he especially loved it when you would caress the fine hairs on the nape of his neck. Each time you did those little things you felt the subdued sensation of his trembling body and growing arousal. Arima didn't need anything sexual to stir his libido, only a sweet kiss here and there and the touch of your fingertips in just the right places.

"You sure know how to get on my nerves" he sighed before pulling away from the computer.

Instead of pushing you away, he exhaled a relaxed breath and let you hold him for a little while longer. It was already midnight but he couldn't be bothered to move, you seemed so comfortable just enjoying his warmth as you pressed delicate kisses against the pulse of his neck. You were still a ghoul, you grew hungry from time to time and only when the hunger became too much could your partner satisfy you.

"It came with the job" you chuckled.

"Oh really?" he smirked sarcastically.

"Really-" you nodded, "-you're just so easy to tease Kishou",

He sighed deeply at the announcement but still snaked his arms around your waist, "what am I going to do with you (Y/N)?".

"Everything" you smiled slyly as you pulled back. The small movement allowed your hips to caress his manhood and forced the half-human to suck in a low breath.

So easy, you chuckled.

"I don't think there's enough time" he went to yawn.

"Oh stop it, don't be a grandpa-" you nudged, "- you're too pretty".

"Pretty? Haven't heard that one yet" he smirked.

"More guys should be called pretty. You certainly are" you admitted, before pinching, mushing and pulling at his cheeks. With the contrast of them being squeezed together like a toddler's chubby cheeks against the placid expression upon his face, you couldn't help but release another chuckle. He was always so serious, so severe that you felt like he never came out of being Investigator Arima.

"If I'm pretty what are you?",

You focused on the idle caress he gave to your back dimples, "of course I'm gorgeous".

"Are you sure?",

"What do you mean: are you sure? You wouldn't give me the light of day if I wasn't",

"Who told you that?" he asked before sitting up, still making sure you were comfortable upon his lap.

You lowered your head in embarrassment. Had he really not heard? You asked yourself.

"All the women on my floor. They sorta said you wouldn't pay me any mind if I didn't wear such tight-fitting clothes, they said that's why I was promoted... was it?",

"No, I promoted you because you didn't just save my life but many more. You deserved that promotion and whatever anyone says is just a product of jealousy. Do you really think I would promote someone because they flashed me in the gym?",

"That was an accident!-" you squealed before slapping his shoulder, "- Takizawa had spilt energy drink all over me and I didn't think anyone would see".

"You're unbelievable" he sighed into a chuckle.

"I'm unbelievable? You're the pervert, you looked for a long long long long long long-",

"Alright, I get it" he interrupted.

"Don't worry babe, I know I'm gorgeous" you chuckled before finally pressing a kiss to his lips and trailing your hands down his chest, running your fingertips across the crevices of his muscles, until you reached his belt buckle.

"(Y/N)..." he groaned.

"Just sit back, relax" you soothed as you slid off his lap and to the ground. But when you began to unbutton his suit pants, you soon felt his hands cover yours in an attempt to stop your movements. The heat of his hold sent shivers to tickle your spine and the anticipation was practically gnawing at your mind.

"You sure?" He murmured.

"Yes, now don't worry. I won't bite" and with that, he sighed, relaxed into the back of the chair and let you have your way.

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