Chapter 7

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        ~Saint POV~
         Saint took a deep breath eyes closed knowing if he opened his eyes, his face would be inches away from Zee's. Zee had pulled him into a bone crushing hug. At first Saint fought it but even though Zee was sick he was still strong as Hell.

        Soon he just focused on his breathing at least trying to get comfy. When Zee had first pulled him down Saint's lips had brushed Zee's. He had moved his head down just in time to dodge his lips. His head now rested on Zee's chest.

        "Zee your sick..." Saint says quietly.

        "Noooo~" Zee whined and only tightened his grip on him. Saint let out a big sigh and just closed his eyes. He surprisingly fell asleep almost immediately.

~Zee POV~
"You'll wish you would of died today." Perth's low voice rang through his head. Suddenly he saw a lodge and it was snowing. He saw a cliff and Saint standing on the edge smirking down at something. He looked down and saw a body. He no his body, then he saw a tiny picture laying on his chest. He looked at it and was surprised.

           That doesn't make sense

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That doesn't make sense. Then suddenly a voice filled his head and it brought him severe pain.

"I never loved you!" Saint yelled.

"You can save him." A voice similar to Saint's but different said.

"Kill him." Perth said laughing.

"No one to save you now, lonely little boy with no friends. I'll look forward to seeing you dead on the ground." Saint was smirking but something wasn't right. His eyes! Their green almost an Emerald like green.

          What's happening! Ughhhh I'm so confused and scared

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          What's happening! Ughhhh I'm so confused and scared. What if this comes true? Wait does that mean me and Saint will get in. Relationship? What about the eyes how did that happen? Why do I hear Perth's voice? Who is that other voice? Ughhhhhh I have so many questions.

          Zee was starting to hyperventilate, he may be having a panic attack. He tried to slow his breathing but nothing helped. WHAT THE HELL IS GONNA HAPPEN. Tears started to stream down his face.

         "If this is a dream then please wake me up.." He said in a hoarse whisper. "Please..." his voice cracked a bit.

          "Zee?!" He hears a voice but it was barely audible.

          "Please no more voices, please...." Zee was sobbing with his knees pulled to his chest.

         "Zee I'm here what's wrong?" He hears the voice again but this time a bit louder.

         "Please make it stop..." Zee croaked head buried in his knees. "Make it stop..." Zee sobbed uncontrollably. He was scared as heck and just wanted to wake up.

          "Zee wake up!" He felt himself being pulled into someone's arms. But no one was around it was just the sensation of it. But Zee felt safer with this sensation going through his body.

          Everything around him started to fall away and turn into blackness. He was slowly pulled into the real world again.

           "Zee it's gonna be ok, I'm right here." He hears Saint's voice say soothingly. Wait Saint's voice! Oh no no no no his eyes are bound to be burning red after that. This is scarier than that nightmare. The thought of killing Saint is horrible.

He shot up out of Saint's arms eyes shut tight. He didn't know where to go but he just ran in one direction. He opened his eyes for a second and saw the bathroom. He ran in and locked the door.

"Zee?!" Saint sounded very concerned and was outside the door. Zee put his arms on the counter and slumped. He looked in the mirror and was correct his eyes were burning red. The knocks on the door quickened as Saint was on the other side.

Zee took deep calming breaths and soon his eyes faded back to brown. He opened the door and saw Saint looking worried.

"Are you ok! What's wrong!" Saint looked around his whole body and then hugged him tight. Zee tensed up when this happened.

"Uhhh Saint your crushing me." Zee said in a strained voice.

"Oh sorry, but Zee are you ok what's wrong?" The concern in Saint's eyes was no joke.

"I'm fine just had a bad dream." Zee explained in a calmed voice. Yeah just a bad dream.

"Oh ok we'll come back in the living room so I can treat those bruises." Saint says and took my hand and dragged me with him. Zee followed him blindly confused.

Then he remembered, I must of came to Saint's house then blacked out. He felt the stinging sensation on his face. As evidence by the bruises on his face.

He sat down on the couch and Saint sat beside him.

"Ok Zee so mind to tell me what happened." Saint asked curious.

"I- uhhhhh" he stuttered. Oh god how am I gonna get out of this one?

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