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~3rd Person~

"Ughhhh!" Saint huffs and lays back in his bed. "It's taking him sooooo long to shower!" Saint whines to himself.


"I'll be back in a bit Sup." Fighter said through the headset. Fight then went offline and Saint laid back in his chair.

~End Flashback~

"I swear I'm gonna kill him when he gets back." Saint mutters to himself. Suddenly he hears a ding from his computer. Saint shoots up to see what it is.

*Fighter67 is Online*

Saint eagerly gets in his chair and puts on his headset.

"It took you long enough." Saint sneers. All he hears is a deep laugh on the other end.

"Wow, you missed me that much?" Fight says in a teasing voice.

Saint scoffed. "You wish!" Saint suppressed a laugh.

"Anyways what do you have to do tomorrow?" Saint asks curious.

"I have school Sup, and no I can't skip." Zee laughs. He knows me so well.

"Well I had school tomorrow anyways too so never mind." Saint huffs.

"If you have school then why are you still playing the game Sup?" Fight asks concerned.

"Oh and it's not like your playing the game too is it." Saint retorts sarcastically. Fight let's out a soft chuckle.

"Ok you got me there." Fight gives in. "How about we both get off then?"

"Fine," Saint rolls his eyes, smiling. "Night."

"Night" Fight says then goes offline.

Just wanted to get the teaser posted. The first chapter will probably be posted after part 3 of Kink School is posted.
Hope you all are staying safe during this pandemic.
See you next time.

Virtual Love ~book 1~Where stories live. Discover now