~ School ~

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        I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing. God, how I hated that sound. I turn over and shut it up. Slowly, I drag myself out of bed. It is currently 7:00 am and school starts in 46 minutes. I get some clothes from my dresser and head to the bathroom. I took a shower last night, so I don't need one today. It's available right now because my dad gets up and ready at six to get ready to head to his office. At least, that's what he did in Illinois. Anyways, after I'm done doing what needed to be done, I head into the living room to see my dad watching the news. "Hurry and make yourself something to eat, it's 7:23 and if you're walking it'll be a while." he said, glancing at me from the screen. "Ok, and I think I'll ride with you today, so I get to know the directions and stuff." I replied, while heading into the kitchen.

        I take down the toaster from on top of the fridge. I plug it in and pop some wheat bread into it. I get a butter knife from the silverware drawer and some butter from the fridge. I wonder what school will be like. Am I going to make any friends? Nah, probably not. Who wants to be friends with the ne-. The sound of the toast popping up scared me. I can handle scary movies, just not the sound of toast popping. I quickly butter it and eat it. I look up at the clock and notice it's 7:29, and that I need to hurry. I hear my dad go outside while I'm heading to my room. He's probably going to warm the car up. Anyways, I go into my room and get out a box from underneath my bed. I take out a book bag and set it on my bed. It's red and has black polk-a-dots on it. It's like a messenger bag. I open it up and start transferring some of the things from inside of the box into it. Spiral notebooks, markers, crayons, pens, note cards, pencils. The usual. After I do that I put on my light grey vans and head out of my room. I open my moms door and she is sleeping. Guess her alarm didn't go off. Not my problem, she'll wake up soon enough.

        I get into the passenger seat, securing myself before turning the radio up. Not loud enough to where I cant hear my own thoughts, but loud enough to make dad mad. "Can you go one day without blasting the damn radio?" He asks, clearly annoyed as we pull out of the driveway. "Don't want our new neighbors to know you've sold your soul to bands yet." He murmured, loud enough for me to hear. "Fine, I'll turn it down." I look out the window as we are at the end of our street because I need to be paying attention. We turn left and I take note of familiar things that I will hopefully remember. Blue house, cherry tree, intersection. It seems easy. Anyways, we pull up to the school. It's a small town but I'm guessing kids from other areas come here too, judging on the schools size. I get out of the car and just stand there on the sidewalk in awe. I can't believe I'm the new girl everyone despises so much.

        After a few moments I start walk into it. There are a bunch of kids talking in the hall way,and more than enough stop and look at me. Suddenly, someone pulls my hair, which I had done in a braid. I immediately jam my elbow into him/her. I turn around to see a familiar red head, doubled over in pain. "Oh my god Mikey are you ok?" I ask, my eyes wide. "Yea, I'm fine. I was just going to show you where the office is and your locker and stuff like that." He said, standing up. "Oh, ok." With that we took of walking. A lot of people were already talking and staring and pointing at us. Well, me. They weren't even trying that hard to hide it, either. "Hey Isabelle. Just to let you know, all the guys here are asses." Michael said, looking down at me while continuing to walk to our destination. "Who said I liked any of them?" I ask, completely confused as to why he brought that up. "And what about your friends? I mean, you have to have some, right?" He turned his head to me and replied with a cocky smirk. "I do, but they are dicks. Even worse then most of these asses." With that we stopped in front of a big door, labeled 'office'. "Here we are, I'll be waiting here for you." He opened the door and pushed me inside. I looked around for a moment, before seeing the administrator's desk. I walk up to it and stand behind a tall dirty blonde boy with slightly curly hair.

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