Chapter 13: Verlust

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(No one Suggested any ideas, or any I could work with successfully, so I'm winging it again.)
     Using his Techno Speed, Trollex jumper out of the water and up to the Trolls that had BDB. Trollex tackled them down, wanting to free the best friend he just got back, but after Trollex was flung off, the DJ noticed that BDB was taken somewhere that was out of his sights.

     Trollex wanted to go search for his friend, but he couldn't since Rock Trolls has started to try and get a hold of him. So Trollex has started to try and defend himself, fighting instead of running due to the fear, worry, and anger for BDB. Trollex was knocked onto the ground when a sharp object was thrown at him, cutting right above his nose that would certainly leave a scar(Well, that's a thing now).

     The hit gave the Rock Trolls enough time to grab Trollex by the arms and keep him there, they probably would've been able to do that sooner if they used their instruments, but they couldn't since Queen Barb hadn't allowed it yet.

     Speaking of the Queen of Rock, said Troll had finally made her appearance known with a laugh.  Just hearing that made Trollex feel a tornado of emotions, none of them being positive.

     As Trollex was held by his arms, a Rock Troll holding each. The DJ watched as the very Troll that took him away from his family, his friends, and his home, came closer. The closer Queen Barb got, and angrier Trollex got.

     "Ya know, it took longer than it should've to notice that our little fish got out of his tank. You even managed to take the baby guy with you!" Queen Barb paused dramatically, Trollex was shaking at this point, but not out of fear. "Your escape caused quite a set back for me ya know? But hey, I got you and all your friends now. Those other Techno Trolls were so much easier to catch than you, and that's saying something since you were passed out!"

     Queen Barb laughed at the shocked expression Trollex had, but his expression was quick to change again. Trollex is furious, more angry than he probably ever has been.

     'For once, I think I'll have to thank you father. Teaching me to fight was your best decision yet.' Trollex thought to himself, hanging his head down, looking as if he feels defeated. In reality, Trollex is just mimicking what he was taught all those years ago.

     "Aw, is the little fishy sad?" Queen Barb mocked, getting her head too close to Trollex's. The DJ, with pure hate in his eyes, head butted the Queen of Rock. Barb staggered backwards, holding her head, the attack surprising all the Rock Trolls enough for Trollex to elbow one of the two holding him, and fling the other using his tail.

Once Trollex got out of their grip, he flew up high where no Troll could reach. He wanted answers, everything Barb was doing didn't make any sense. Trollex knows that she wants to unite all Trolls under the music of Rock, but he doesn't understand why.

     "Ugh, why do you have to be so difficult?" Barb asked after recovering from the sudden attack, she was clearly annoyed.

     "Because you took my best Friend, because destroyed the peace we all had, because I don't understand, and because you are going to extreme lengths to accomplish something that doesn't make sense!" Trollex shouted out of anger, spreading his arms out wide as if to gesture to how this whole situation has gotten so out of hand.

     Barb made the sound of blowing a raspberry, "Doesn't make sense?" Barb said before explaining in an annoyed tone(I have no clue what she would say, so I'm letting you imagine what she would say.) what her reasons were. As Trollex listened, he only grew more confused.

     "You know, you can make all this go a lot smoother if you just quite fighting. It would definitely help out your little fish friends from getting hurt some more." Barb add after she finished explaining. Hearing this practically made Trollex deflate, as if all the fight in him had left from hearing the threat. Just knowing they were already hurt broke his heart.

     Barb noticed this, and was quick to say with a smirk, "Say, I'll make sure not to hurt your 'subjects' if you come along nice and quietly." It was an offer that only determined whether the Techno Trolls get hurt or not, and it's easy to tell which option Trollex would pick.

     With a heavy sigh, Trollex floated downwards. He heard Barb whisper yell a small victory before ordering some Rock Trolls that weren't unconscious to take Trollex to his 'containment area' though it was really just the same cage full of water he was in last time, only more secured. Trollex felt helpless and devastated, it truly seemed like Queen Barb was going to get what she wants, and there's nothing that can be done about it.

     And so, as Trollex saw the faces of all the rulers, most practically a new friend or nice  acquaintance, the quiet and agonizing ride to the home of the Rock Trolls began.

(If you have suggestions or ideas for the next chapter, please feel free to share them in the comments!

There is no room for hate here, your comment will be deleted if you bother to go out of your way to be hurtful.)

[Snippet cause Creativity.]
Trollex was hanging out with a young Techno Troll, the DJ had always had a soft spot for little ones and the parents had allowed their child to have some alone time with their King. Trollex was glad the little one wasn't hyper, so the two simply relaxed atop a stone next to the river.

     Of course, Trollex made sure to keep an eye on the child. He loves and cares about all the Techno Trolls, so in times like these, he wants to make sure they're safe. But after a while, he had let himself relax too, though it was after the young one's persistence on him taking things easy as well.

     "King Trollex?" The Young Troll Said softly, Trollex hummed and looked at the Troll next to him. They looked nervous, "Could...could you sing me a lullaby? Not like a techno one, but uh..." The little one trailed off, but Trollex understood.

     It's only been a few days after Trollex was caught singing by accident, but since then not much has happened since no one had really approached him about it...yet. That and practically none of the other rulers know yet, which for Trollex is a good thing.

     But due to Trollex's soft spot for children, he simply couldn't say no. So he smiled, "Sure, but don't go telling everyone about it, okay?" Trollex asked, he honestly wants the peace he has to last as long as possible.

     The young one nodded excitedly, getting close to Trollex and getting comfortable. The DJ guessed it was because lullabies normally put trolls to sleep, so he was fine with it. As long as the child was comfortable and felt safe.

     There was only one lullaby Trollex could recall from his childhood what wasn't fully techno based, his mother sang it to him, unsurprisingly. So Trollex put and arm around the child, mainly to make sure they didn't suddenly fall into the river by accident, before singing to the young Troll.

{Monody (feat. Laura Brehm) by TheFatRat}
     "~Summer in the Hills~
~Those Hazy Days, I Do remember~
   ~We were Swimming Still~
      ~At the whole World at our Fins~
         ~Watching Seasons Change~
            ~Our Roads were Lined with Adventure~
               ~Mountains in the way~
                  ~Couldn't keep us from the Sea~
~Here we Stand Open Arms~
   ~This is Home Where we are~
      ~Ever Strong in the World that we Made~
         ~I still Hear you in the Breeze~
            ~See your Shadows in the Trees~
               ~Holding on Memories Never Change~"

     Trollex finished singing, his voice was soft but the message firm, just as he remembered hearing it. The DJ looked down at the little Techno Troll, seeing that they fell asleep. But the small smile told him enough that they enjoyed it.

     While Trollex relaxed some more and the young Troll next to him slept, another Troll was internally screaming. Poppy had accidentally stumbled across them and was about to leave until he heard the singing, now she was about to explode, but she first made a quick yet quiet escape to go tell Branch and the other Rulers what she just saw and heard.

     Trollex was in for one crazy ride, so this relaxation was all he was going to get in a while.

[If you liked it, please tell me.

I don't like writing a lot of lyrics from songs, but I figured for anyone who knew the song, they might as well get a chance to hear it in their head.]

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