Chapter 2: Darkness falls

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 Chapter 2 : Darkness falls

A young couple stood around the back of a simulation chip delivery truck where a machine was whirling down. The device inside was massive, taking up the entire back of the delivery truck. It was obvious this was no normal EMP bomb.

Rick ran his fingers through his dark brown hair, "Oh my god Liz. It worked. It actually worked." He grinned, grabbing Elizabeth and kissed her on her sweet small lips.

Elizabeth gasped, completely lost in his embrace, feeling his warm body pressed against hers. After the long kiss she rested her head on his chest.

*CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* the device started sending out a special coded message with a virus attached to it. *Click click Click* *Click* *Click* The message went on for a while.

"We need to go. They will find us if we stay here too, long, love." Elizabeth said but she wanted to stay in his embrace.

"Do you hear that , Liz? That's the sound of all these people finally free from enslavement." Rick held her and looked around at the darkness. She listened and wondered if this was the right move. She turned back to the truck housing the electromagnetic pulse bomb-the EMP.

"Lets go before someone finds us." She said again. They both packed up and locked the truck before vanishing into the chaos of the city.

Car crashes and people's screaming were all they could be here around the city. Skyscrapers that once lit up the night were consumed in darkness. Massive screens showing ad after ad from various companies were gone, replaced with an eerie emptiness. The once busy and lively New York was now a city of darkness and misery. The EMP had done its job and more.

"Finally!" Rick spoke up. "All of these moronic people can wake up, and see what dependence on electronics and the stupid simulation gives them. I hope this wake up call shakes them up and makes them all use their brains for once." He pulled a sandwich from his pack.

Elizabeth did the same. "You know." she said. "After tonight, people will be angry. They'll want someone to blame. Who do you think will be in the public's crosshairs?" Liz asked before taking a bite.

"Well, that is the question isn't it? If our friends' plans work out they expect the blame will be on the council and the travelers." Rick replied before taking a bite.

Liz kept chewing for a while and considered his comment carefully. "I see your point but on the flip side without the Travelers wouldn't our world just fall into chaos again? Like after the collapse of the internet?" she'd take a drink as well.

"Maybe, maybe not. I don't think things will ever get that bad again but we all need a wake up call. This isn't the freedom like our ancestors believed in. We are slaves to the council and their travelers. Make a wrong move, don't pay your debts, speak up against them, and you face permanent exile never to be seen again." He finished his meal and stood up. "Don't tell me you're having second thoughts now?"

"Of course not, my love." She reaffirmed. "Just curious." The two of them left and continued through the city.


The EMP would destroy not just this city's power but also stopped power plants that controlled the entire East coast power grid. The heart of the simulation was, for all intents and purposes, shut down. It ran on emergency power giving only a select few access. No one else was able to connect to the simulation.

Trying to help with the ever growing panic, the police were working to keep crime down and prevent rioting. However, people only got more worried and thieves broke windows, robbed stores and houses.. Terror filled every heart and mind. Everyone was asking for help from someone. Anyone.


Johnathan was still outside speaking to the press when the blackout happened. As soon as the power was cut an unmarked hover-van pulled up. Four men in halo-masks jumped out. Each wore night vision goggles and carried automatic laser pistols. They scanned the crowd looking for their target.

Johnathan, Kira's father was still talking with the press as his eyes were adjusting to the blackout. The four men in masks shot two of the men beside John, his security team. They grabbed him and pulled a black bag over his head. The crowds scattered and they pulled Johnathan into the van.

Kevin was not fast enough to stop the invaders but did manage to fire off a tracking round. He went to his colleagues and removed their weapons and tried to scan the Simulation ID implants to report their death and location with the optic feeds back to the council for evaluation.

But it wasn't working. In fact his tracker wasn't working either. None of his equipment worked at all. He headed inside to report what had happened.

"Let me go!" Demanded Johnathan "I'm on the council! You'll never get away with this!" He screamed out. "Just let me go and I'll pay anything! I'll double it!"

One member of the team injected him with a drug that started calming Johnathon until he fell into a deep sleep. He then turned to the others and removed his mask. The man was quite tall, nearly 7 feet. Stocky shoulders, giant hands and feet. The man dwarfed everyone around him.

"That was easier than expected." His voice was deep and rumbling.

"Don't go counting your money yet, Terrance. We still have to deliver him." Another of the four said and moved to the driver's seat, starting up the vehicle.

"I know." Terrance said as he sat down next to him. "We really needed a break though. The boss will be quite happy and maybe wipe our debts, Chris.We can finally have our lives back."

Chris focused on driving and as his mind wondered about what he would do if they really did get their debts cleared.

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