Chapter 8; Swimming

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Bella's POV

"Do you wanna go swimming in the pond?" Jake asked after we had finished the patrol. I could tell he was trying to hide some thing because for the hole thing he was thinking about a song. It was strange because we never really kept anything from each other. "sure, let me just get my stuff." I answered in a light tone. Before I walked away he grabbed me by the waist and kissed me tenderly on the lips. As normal he pulled away to soon. "see you in 5" he said before kissing my nose and letting me go.

I wanted this swim to be special so I grabbed my navy blue bikini with white anchors. "ready!" I shouted to Jake. I looked around the kitchen but no one was there. Suddenly a big pair of arms wrapped around my waist, I could tell they were Jakes because of his warmth. I had werewolf heat as well but his still seem warmer than mine. "lets go!" He said before picking me up bridle style and ran to the pond. I cuddled into his warm chest and listened to the steady beat of his hart.

When we were at the pond in the forest I got into my bikini and Jake got into his trunks, they were blue at the top fading into green at the bottom. Grabbing my hand he ran into the pond. I hardly got a breath in when we came up because he kissed me on the lips. I wrapped my legs around his waist. This time he didn't pull away and we just kept kissing. I ran my fingers through his hair and grabbed the back of my head. Finely we had to stop because I couldn't breath. "are you ok?" He asked laughing "yer let me just get my breath back!" I replied breathless.

We got out of the pond after about half and hour and I was starving. "do you want me to make paster or chilli?" I asked "don't mind." he answered whilst getting something out of his jeans. Suddenly he got down on one knee and pulled out a purple velvet box. "Isabella Swan, I love you with all my hart to be honest your the reason my hart beats and it's last beat will be for you, until then I would like to spend my life with you so would you do me the pleaser of being my wife?" He asked "yes, yes, yes I love you Jake of corse I will!" I answered. I didn't even need time to think about it he was the love of my life and the only person I want to spend my life with. I dived into his arms and kissed him passionately. He scooped my up and lay me on the ground next to him.

I looked at the ring he had slid on my finger. It was gold and had a diamond ingraved into it. As I looked closer at the diamond I saw it was the shape of a wolf "did you make this?" I asked Jake "yes. Do you like it?" He answered "it's beautiful." I said. This part of the florist was really beautiful. We were lying on a bed of moss. The trees were towering above us. Blue, yellow, pink, purple and white flowers were all around us. Lovingly, I snuggled into Jakes chest and closed my eyes.

Jacobs POV

Bella fell asleep on my chest so I carried her back to the house bridle style. when we were inside I placed her gently on the bed when I realised that she was still in her bikini. Carefully, I striped her off and placed on of my shirts on her. "there we go!" I whisper as I kissed her forehead. As I tried to walk away she sleepily kept her arms locked around my neck. "Stay." she whispered "ok" I kissed her noise and lay down next to her.

When I woke up in the morning Bella was still sleeping. Carefully, I planted a kiss on her cheek and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. When the bacon was cooked she walked in yawning "morning love how did you sleep?" I asked "fine how about you?" She replied "perfect!" I said smiling. I caught her looking at her ring and sighing. "what is it babe?" I asked for I wanted to make her happy forever "it's just, well how are we going to pay for this wedding?" She sighed again. I never thought of that we both didn't have a proper job yet "I'll get another job!" I quickly said "so will I." she said rubbing her eyes. "no you won't. You can stay with Emily and plan your wedding dress or something." I didn't want her lifting a finger ever again. she just laughed and bit into her bacon roll.

Bella's POV

When I woke I was in Jacob's shirt. I didn't even remember walking in the door. Poor Jake must have carried me and dressed me for bed. I blushed at the thought. picking up my bikini and putting it to the wash I saw the beautiful ring on my finger. How were we suppose to pay for this wedding. I walked into the kitchen and smelt bacon. "Morning love how did you sleep?" Jacob asked me happily I replied with a simple "fine!" And asked how he slept. He replied with "perfect!"

After I had a chat with Jake about are financial problems he still wouldn't let me get a job. Not like that was going to stop me. When I was changed and showered Jake had already left. On the kitchen worktop there was a note placed under a red rose. I sniffed the rose and read the note. it said;

Dear my beautiful Bella
I have gone out to find a job so we can pay for the wedding. I won't be long, see you when I get back. Love you soo much
Much love your fiancé Jacob

I loved that word fiancé and soon he would be my husband. I suddenly remembered no one knew about it. Dialling Emily's number I put the phone to my ear. "Hello." Emily said as she picked up the phone. "hi" I have some something really important to tell you! And congratulations on marrying Sam." I blurted out "thanks and sure you can come over now the boys are here." she said "k won't be long." I said before hanging up. "hi Jake" I said when he answered the phone "is very thing ok?" He asked sounding concerned "yer. do you mind if I tell some people about us getting married or do you want to?" I asked "well I'm almost home so I can drive you there and we can tell then together." he said "sure. See ya soon." I said when his car pulled up out side. I hung up and ran out side. jumping into the front seat I asked "did you get a job?" "Yes fixing cars at a garage."

We were at Sam and Emily's now. we walked inside hand in hand. Everyone was there and they all looked at us. "so what's you news?" Jarred asked impatiently "we are getting married!" Me and Jake said at the same time.

Thank you so so much for reading and I'm sorry If I don't answer your comments for some reason it won't let me but never mind. 💙💜💚

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