I thought I would do something a bit different so this chapters from Embrys POV.💜💚Embrys POV
I slid through my window after a night patrol when my light turned on "Embry were the hell have you been? I've been worried sick! Why do you keep sneaking out at night?" Mum screamed at me.
"I really wish I could tell you mum but I just can't ok!" I said walking into the bathroom.
"Don't you dare walk away from me. come back here now!" She was getting on my nerves now, I was shaking "are you seeing a girl?" She continued.
"Get away from me I don't want to hurt you!" I said to he running out side heading for the forest. Turning around I saw her at the door. shaking even more felt my clothes ripping off my body and my size increase.
"Ahahah!" My mum screamed. I walked swiftly towards her and she backed away. I bowed my head and let her rub in between my ears. What was I going to tell Sam he would be furious. Never mind I would deal with him later.
Sorry it's short thanks for reading and please read my new book that I'm gna start I will tell you the name when I have started it Ty love you all💛💙💚💋💗

Blue Moon
Teen FictionWhat if when you love a werewolf you tern into one well that's what's going to happen to Bella now she has to chose if she want to be a werewolf or not. And if she doesn't what price will she have to pay!!