Chapter Sixty Nine

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*February 27th*
*Harrys POV*
15 minutes prior

Go I mouthed to Arabelle, watching as her shaking body got pushed out of the crowd. My body relaxed in relief as she took off, running away.

The first gun shot went off, the guy next to me dropping to the floor with blood gushing from his stomach. I cursed under my breath as I cocked my gun, raising it as I began to run to find cover. A guy raised his gun towards me but I was faster, shooting him right between his eyes before he could pull the trigger. I ducked behind the corner of the building, realizing Niall was crouched behind it.

"You good?" I asked breathlessly.

"I'm fine." He said gruffly, reloading his gun.

"Have you seen Arabelle." I asked anxiously, knowing that she won't be able to get out on her own.

"Sh*t no, she won't make it by herself." Niall panicked.

"Go find her. Take her away from here, it's a f*cking blood bath." I commanded.

Niall looked at me before he hesitantly nodded, running back into the fight on his search for her. I peeked around the corner to see people wounded on the floor everywhere. I groaned as I realized Mark still had plenty of men left. Running my hand through my hair I cocked my gun back, rising to my feet. I took a deep breath before I stepped out from behind the building, shooting the first person I saw. A scream ripped through the air as the bullet pierced his gut, making him drop to his knees.

I kept moving, ducking behind things for cover and shooting any man I saw in a suit. I spotted Mark huddled to a building, phone in his hand as he was most likely calling back up. I raised my gun, aiming it towards his chest and pulling the trigger. The phone dropped from his hand as the bullet lodged into his chest,pushing him against the building.

Grunting was heard towards my left and I snapped my head towards there, seeing Liam wrestling with a guy on the ground. My heart dropped once I saw he was unarmed, fighting the man trying to shoot him. Liam was holding his hand and twisting his wrist upwards, making the gun aimed in the air. I carefully aligned my gun to the guys head, carefully so I don't hit Liam in the process. I pulled the trigger and the guy immediately went limp, Liam pushing him off and jumping back on his feet. He searched the scene for a minute before his eyes landed on me, my gun still aimed in the air. He gave me a grateful nod and I returned it as I walked deeper in the parking lot.

Everyone on Marks side was gone, all dead on the floor or injured. My eyes widened as I remembered that he called backup.

"We need to clear out." I yelled to the rest of my remaining men, causing them to turn to me. "Mark called for backup and we'd be outnumbered if we don't leave."

All of my men nodded as they picked up their weapons, sticking them in their waistbands and entering their cars. I walked towards my car to see Liam and Louis leaning against it, making me sigh in relief.

"That was a freaking blood bath." Liam exclaimed.

"I know." I sighed. "But we have a problem bigger than this.

They shared confused glances before turning towards me as I wiped the sweat from my head.

"They we're here because they wanted Arabelle." I started, getting in the car with them following. I started the car and starting driving in the direction of our house.

"They wanted her for whatever reason, most likely to use her against the gang. The thing is, we have no idea how many other gangs know about her. So Mark might not be the only one looking for her." I stated, feeling nauseous knowing people might be after her.  

"Sh*t I didn't even think of that." Louis cursed, eyes wide with realization.

"What are we going to do?" Liam asked.

I sighed because I didn't have an answer for him. There's really know way we can, since we have no idea how many people are looking for her, or if there even is any.

"We just keep an eye on her. It's the best thing we can do at this point. Make sure that she's safe and is always with at least one of us. Never let her leave the house unless we know that it's safe. She's going to hate this but it's crucial for her safety." I sighed.

"So what? We just keep her locked up like some animal?" Louis scoffed in disgust.

"It's for her own good." Liam reasoned, though he looked unsure.

"I know, I don't like this either. But people know who she is now, and we can't let them get her. They won't treat her like we did when we kidnapped her. They'll torture her, starve her, it's much better this way. This way she stays alive." I assured.

"But at what cost?" Louis spat.

I looked at him through the mirror with furrowed eyebrows, causing him to scoff and shake his head.

"Sure she'll be safe, but it will be costing her her happiness." He said solemnly.

My heart sank as I took in what he said. And what hurt was that he's true, Arabelle will lose her mind if she's locked up like some animal. But isn't being alive better?

"That's just something well have to risk." I hesitantly said.

Louis rolled  his eyes, obviously not liking my choice. I didn't want to do this either but I know that it's better for her. I just hope I'm making the right decision, if there even is a right one in this situation. I don't see any other solution, I just can't let her get taken by them.

I just want her safe, and happy, but unfortunately right now she can only have one.

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Have a wonderful day

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