Chapter Seventy

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*February 27th*
*Arabelle POV*

"No." I said plainly, crossing my arms against my chest.

Harry sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. I know that I was making him upset, but that just can't be helped.

"Arabelle...." Harry started but I interrupted.

"No!" I snapped. "I'm not going to be caged up like a d*mn animal."

"Will you not put it that way, that's not what I'm trying to do." He barked, eyes staring at me with anger.

"Yes it is Harry! You want me to stay in the house all the time. And the only time I'll be allowed out is if i have someone with me like a bloody bodyguard!" I was screaming at this point but I didn't care.

"It's for you own safety." Harry said sternly, honestly thinking this is a good idea.

"But what about my happiness?!" I fired back.

His eyes looked towards the floor guilty and I know that this was eating him up inside. And I know I wasn't helping with his guilt but I just won't be treated like this.

"I'm sorry." My heart dropped as his voice cracked.

I swallowed my emotions and stood up, walking towards him. His head lifted up and my heart broke as a tear slid down his cheek. I brought my thumb up, carefully wiping his tears as he stared at me.

"I'm sorry." He repeated brokenly.

"I know baby." I soothed.

I rubbed my thumb over the crevice in between his eyebrows, trying to sooth him. My hand ran through his curls as I leaned onto my toes, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. He sighed into my mouth as I felt his body relax.

"I don't know any other option." He spoke against my lips.

"Well there has to be something else we can try." I said desperately.

He shook his head softly, making my heart sink as my mind started to spin. I felt all hope leave my body as he just looked at me sadly, telling me that there really was nothing else.

"I tried to find one I really did." He defended, more tears falling.

I shushed him as I brought his body to mine, wrapping him into an embrace. I ran my fingers through his hair continuously, trying to calm his tears.

"It's going to be ok." I promised, though I wasn't sure myself.


"You agreed?!" Louis exclaimed angrily.

I huffed in annoyance as I sat down across from him, not appreciating how he was acting about this.

"I didn't agree. I just didn't fight it."  I corrected.

"Same thing!" I rolled my eyes as he threw his arms in the air.

"Your acting like a child!" I scolded.

"And your being a push-over!" He snapped.

"A push over?! How the h*ll am I being a push over Louis?!" I screamed, not caring about my volume.

"Your literally letting him control you, he's forcing you to do this and your letting him."

"No ones forcing me to do anything! If I really had a problem with this than I wouldn't be doing it! What other choice do we have? Because if you have an idea I would love to hear it." My throat was sore by the end of my speech, but that didn't bother me.

Louis just stared wide eyed at me, obviously surprised by my outburst. I stayed on the stool, looking at him with a raised eyebrow and my arms crossed against my chest. He sighed, looking down at the floor as a sad look crossed his face.

"I just want you to be happy." He muttered, making my heart sink.

"I understand that." I softly said. "But how happy can I be if I'm dead?"

He flinched slightly at my words before sitting up straight, rolling his shoulders as a sigh fell from his lips. When his eyes met mine they no longer shone with sadness and emotion like before, they were empty.

"Just don't come to me when you get hurt." He snapped, making me furrow my eyebrows.

He grabbed his phone and shoved it in his pocket, leaving the room before I have a chance to answer. My eyes followed his back as he walked, my mind reeling with thoughts. It's like he didn't want me to know that he has feelings. He tries to be so hard all the time that when he finally feels something he doesn't know what to do.

I sighed in frustration, leaning my elbows on the table as my fingers massaged my temples. My head is pounding from all my thinking and screaming.

"I take it it didn't go well?" Niall asked from behind me.

"No." I scoffed, thinking about how he had stormed off.

"Just give him time." Niall suggested, walking towards the cabinet.

"Well it doesn't really matter what he says, this is happening whether any of us want it or not. It just can't be helped." I groaned.

"Well I don't know." Niall shrugged. "I don't think it's a very good idea but I don't have a better one."

I looked down at my lap as I twisted my fingers, a nervous habit I've had since I was a kid. Niall gasped excitedly, causing me to snap my head up towards him. His eyes were wide as he turned to me.

"Can't we just like, change your identity and fake your death?" Niall asked.

"Well it didn't turn out so good last time." I frowned.

"But this is different. No one but us four thought you were dead, so it's not like it wouldn't be believable. We can just change your appearance after so it won't be obvious whenever you leave." He rambled, eyebrows raised as he bounced a little.

"Will this even work?" I furrowed my brows.

"We would have to make it really believable. Like fake your death publicly."

"How?" I questioned.

"I don't know, we'll have to figure that out." He shrugged.

"Do you think Harry will agree with this?" I asked hopefully.

"It's the only other option."
Kinda dislike this one but it was a filler so :(

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Have a wonderful day

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