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Mitsuki had never wondered why he hated the moon before. It was something that just was and it was easier to avoid the issue than confront a problem with no answer. Now, he contemplated it as he seethed with his hatred. He wondered if it steamed from jealousy, the soft silver glow a constant reminder that its sun lived, rubbing salt deeply into the forgotten but ever open wound.

As much as he hated it, it did have its uses. The rooftops were aglow with the soft light making it easy to find the hospital. Finding Boruto was another simple matter. He stopped just outside the still structure and sent his snakes inside. The building was dark and quiet, all inside asleep. They located him in a matter of minutes and directed him to a room on the fourth floor in the wing furthest from the main. He moved quickly and settled himself in the branches of a convenient tree growing outside his window. There, listening to the anxious pounding of his heart, he peered into the dark room.

The blinds were pulled and the curtains were drawn, allowing the moonlight to pool inside making all visible to Mitsuki. A small bed holding a single occupant was positioned next to the window. The man's face was exposed to the hateful light of night while the lower part of his body was covered by a thin hospital blanket. Mitsuki stared at him, captivated by his beauty.

His hair was golden and bright, even when muted by the moonlight, spread out around his head like a gleaming halo. His face, framed by the golden waves, was relaxed and peaceful in sleep. His skin was plush and smooth and Mitsuki found himself longing to touch his cheek to see if it was as warm as it looked. An old scar ran from eyebrow to cheek over his right eye but did nothing to mar his grace. He hadn't thought it possible but there was no doubt; this was the man who haunted his dreams. Except he had been wrong. He had thought that the man he remembered was worthy of housing the sun. Now, he could see that Boruto did not house the sun; he was the Sun.

"Boruto." He whispered as he placed a pale hand to the glass. He allowed relief to wash over him as he stared at his Sun, heart swelling as he watched the blonde sleep. He felt more at ease now than he had felt since he was placed in Lady Sarada's service. He wasn't sure how long he had been watching when Boruto stirred slightly in his sleep. He sighed and shifted, causing his hair to flow into a new position, exposing bandages Mitsuki hadn't noticed before; and they were lightly stained with blood.

Alarm drove away all the new peaceful feelings to be replaced with cold panic. His Sun was still hurt. Driven by a deep possessive need, he wrenched open the window, which protested with a loud squeak, and slide inside. Smoothly, he moved around the edge of the bed and came to a rest on the floor by the foot. In the silence of the room, he felt like an intruder on hallowed ground but he refused to leave. Now that he was this close, many strange thoughts filled his head simultaneously. He was truly in awe of his Sun's beauty which only grew as he got closer. He was outraged that harm had come to Boruto but he was savagely proud that he had killed the one responsible even as he felt guilt that if he had been faster, he could have prevented this.

More than anything, he felt protective; fiercely protective, vowing that no one would touch him ever again. He stayed carefully neutral on the outside despite the war of emotions occurring within him. He had to stay focused on the task at hand. He moved deliberately but slowly, lest he wake his precious Sun and frighten him with his presence. He drew closer and reached towards Boruto's bandages, his hand glowing green.

"Mitsuki?" The sound of his name made him freeze. He looked down into eyes the color of endless summer skies. He just stared, unable to move when confronted with such raw beauty. The owner of said eyes adjusted his position so he was in more of a half sitting position, propped on an elbow. He was openly staring back at Mitsuki, mouth slightly open in an expression of disbelief.

"Mitsuki..." Boruto breathed his name like a sigh of relief as he opened his arms. To Mitsuki's alarm, he realized Boruto was going to hug him. Instinctively, he jerked backwards, an action he immediately regretted as deep hurt penetrated those gorgeous eyes. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't let Boruto hold him. It was... wrong. Boruto was pure, a thing of lavish beauty. Mitsuki was dirty. He did not understand why but under the gaze of those blue eyes, Mitsuki suddenly felt filthy to his core.

"Mitsuki? Don't you remember me?" Boruto asked, his voice frail and his eyes shining with tears. The sight made Mitsuki's heart ache. Of course he remembered Boruto. In a way, he had never really forgotten him. He just wished he could remember more than the night that tore them apart. He wanted to remember more. Were they really so close before? Had he really been given the privilege of being loved by this otherworldly being?

"Boruto." He said his name as his doubts melted away. He reached for his Sun, sliding into his arms as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Boruto held him tight and buried his face in his shoulder. Small tremors shook Boruto's frame and Mitsuki felt his shoulder dampen. His Sun was crying.

"What's wrong, Boruto?" He asked, as he rubbed comforting circles on his back.

"It's nothing." Boruto choked out around a sob, "I'm just really happy to see you."

"I'm happy to see you too." And he was. For the first time he could remember, he felt whole. The cold of his existence melted away here, in the light of the Sun; His Sun, whose back was shaking harder as his sobs became more violent. Mitsuki couldn't bear his Sun being in pain. He had to do something about it. He shrugged out of Boruto's death grip and backed away just enough that he could look back into the face of the man he adored. His eyes were red and slightly swollen from crying. Tears still rolled lazily down his cheeks from his over-bright eyes. Mitsuki ran his long fingers through Boruto's smooth hair. Then he caressed his face and wiped away the tears that continued to fall.

"Mitsuki..." Boruto whispered his name, his breath ghosting over Mitsuki's lips. He wasn't sure what made him do it. Maybe it was the desperation in Boruto's voice or maybe it was the overwhelming desire to stop the pain. Whatever the reason, Mitsuki closed the distance and pressed his lips to Boruto's. His Sun gasped at first but quickly melted against him, frantically returning the kiss. It was hot. Too hot. Mitsuki was on fire. His very heart was burning and his lips were melting. He gasped at the extreme sensations only to have Boruto push forward and slide his searing tongue into his mouth. It was almost painful, and he needed more. Mitsuki pulled Boruto closer, desiring to be consumed completely by his Sun's fire.

Boruto whimpered lightly, breaking the trance enough for Mitsuki to realize he had pulled Boruto half way off the bed. As gently as he could, he pushed Boruto back onto the bed and, responding to Boruto's needy tugs, slide in beside him without breaking them apart. There he curled his arms protectively around his Sun and allowed his love to take over. Boruto wanted to adore him and he allowed him. Mitsuki was his devoted servant and could deny him nothing. He may not be able to remember the time they had spent together but he remembered his love for this man and here, in this moment, that was all that mattered.

It was Sarada who found them in the morning, sleeping peacefully tangled together awkwardly on the tiny hospital bed. Boruto's bandages lay discarded on the floor along with an odd article of clothing here and there. Mitsuki heard her enter but he didn't acknowledge her presence. Boruto was still sleeping, still clinging desperately to him as if he would disappear if he relaxed for a moment. Boruto needed his rest and Mitsuki was not going to be the one who disturbed his peace. He heard her soft laughter, a quiet mutter of, "I should have known..." and the clicking of the door as she closed it quietly behind her as she left.

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