December 18th

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"What time do you guys leave?" I asked Ethan. We were currently talking on the phone. He just finished his last final. Liam and Ethan were flying back home tonight. Lucky bastards got to go home while I still have two more finals to study for. One was at seven in the morning, while the other was at four in the evening. Tell me how this is fair.

"Why? He asked. I was currently trying to understand chemistry. If I didn't understand it before, I have no chance of understanding it now. "Do you want to come to see us off?

"No. I have finals tomorrow that I need to focus on studying for. I was just wondering when I'm not going see your face for almost a month."

"You're going to miss me."

"As if. If anyone is going to be missing someone, it will be you missing me. I bet you won't wait long enough for me to miss you. Probably start annoying me before you even take off."

"You're probably right," He said. I could tell he was smiling on the other end. This boy knew exactly what to do to get me to fall in love with him, which was somewhat scary.

"Of course I am right. I'm always right," I said. Ethan started laughing, and I couldn't stop smiling. "Are you excited to be going home?"

He hesitated before saying, "There is no place like home, but there are some things I will miss."

"Home is where the heart is."

"You're not going to ask what I'm going to miss?"

"Why? We have already decided that you are going to miss me. I don't care about anyone else."

"What if I said I was going to miss Elizabeth?" He asked.

"Bitch please," I said as I checked the answers to my chemistry review. It was not going well. "If anyone is going to miss Elizabeth, it's either me, since I'm her new bestie, or your best friend, since they are dating. Not you. Plus, jealousy isn't my thing when there is nothing to be jealous about."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm too fabulous to lose. Also, jealousy is a waste of time. It destroys people, relationships, and trust."

"So the whole thing from before?"

"It wasn't jealousy. It was stupid of you to ask one girl out in front of another. I thought we'd been over that. Even if you guys were talking or going on dates, I'd be okay with it."

"Wait, what?" He asked. Are we sure this boy is actually smart? "You'd really be okay with me talking to another girl?"

"Why wouldn't I be? We aren't dating; even if we were, you could still have female friends. I'd want you to be okay with me still talking to my few guy friends. I don't want to ever be a hypocrite in a relationship."

"Really?" He asked, skeptical.

"Yes, Dumbass," I said, holding back a laugh.

I heard Liam's voice shout, "Dude, you haven't even started packing yet. What have you been doing?"

"I've been on the phone," Ethan said.

The next thing I know, I hear, "Why are you distracting him?" I guess Liam stole Ethan's phone so he could pack.

"Well, hello to you too, Liam," I said, laughing.

"Hailey," Liam said with excitement. These boys, I swear. "No wonder he hasn't been packing. What are you up to?"

"I'm trying to understand chemistry while talking to your best friend."

"Gross, science."

"You're telling me," I said as I just stared at the problem in front of me. Chemistry makes me feel stupid. "I already asked Ethan this, but I never got an answer from him. When do you leave?"

"Reasonably, we leave in half an hour. Realistically, in 45 minutes. Depends on when Prince Charming over here gets done packing," Liam answered.

I laughed, "Make sure he has everything important, including his brain. However, something tells me that it is already at home."

"Hey!" Ethan shouted from a distance. Liam and I were cackling like hyenas.

"Alright, Mom, I'll make sure he has everything," Liam said while still laughing.

"I don't remember giving birth to you," I said casually. I could hear Ethan joining in on our laughter. "Nor would I want to." Ethan laughed even harder.

Liam stopped laughing and said," You're mean today."

"No, you two are just easy to pick on. Plus, if you ask my roommate, Alice, I'm always mean."

"Maybe you should quit being mean."

"Let me think about it," I said. I paused for a second, pretending that I was thinking. "No."

"Why not?" I heard Ethan whine.

"Because what's the point of being nice when I can make sure neither of you gets a big ego," I said bluntly.

"We don't have big egos," The boys said at the exact same time.

"Are you guys sure about that?"

"Yes," Ethan said exactly when Liam answered, "No." I could hear the two boys start bickering back and forth on their side of the phone call.

I laughed, "Well, while you two spend your flight debating if you two have egos or not, all I know is my job is to make sure that you guys are kept in your place and aren't assholes."

"What makes you think that we have egos?" Ethan asked.

"You, sir, are the captain of the hockey team. On top of that, you flirted with a girl you've never talked to before and then proceeded to ask her out on a date when you were with another girl. If that doesn't scream ego, I don't know what does."

"And what about me?" Liam asked.

"I can't completely explain your ego as I don't know you that well. However, ask me again in the future, and I'll tell you."

"Deal," Liam said with a chuckle.

"Now, if you two will excuse me, I have a chemistry final to study for though I'll probably fail," I said as the equations in front of me taunted me. "Plus, Ethan apparently needs to pack for you guys to catch your flight. I'm sure I'll talk to the two of you soon."

"Bye," The boys said in unison before I hung up the phone and put my focus completely on the chemistry in front of me.

Guys, I just drove 15 1/2 hours across the US and I'm exhausted. I have to make another 6 hour trip next weekend before I get to my new location and job

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