Part 1

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U wake up on a Monday morning to catch your flight to L.A to live in the Sway house. All your stuff was already shipped so you just had to bring 1 suit case and ur backpack. U shower do ur face routine and get dress this is ur  outfit and the TikTok u posted at the store before heading on the plane:

After u say goodbye to ur friend Shyann and head on the plane u take ur seat. Ur really nervous since you've never met actual tik tok creators and ur gonna live with a bunch of them.

Pilot: passengers of flight 888 this is ur pilot speaking we're gonna take off so please be seated and put on ur seatbelt

U do as he says and a few minutes later u guys take off u take a few videos and photos then hours later the pilot says

Pilot: passengers of flight 888 this is ur pilot speaking we will be landing please be seated and put on ur seatbelt be ready for landing

20 minutes later u got off the plane and called Bryce. The phone call:

Bryce: hey Victoria what's up

Victoria: I just landed in L.A

Bryce: bet I can't pick u up cause me and the boys are finishing up for ur arrival so I'll call u a Uber

Victoria: np I'll be waiting ok cya
Bryce: cya

U wait for a few minutes and u see ur Uber u get in the car the drive was 45 min long. After 45 minutes I was at the sway house

Victoria's POV
I'm so nervous I'm actually at the house the only people I know well is Avani and Addison we've been talking and this would be the first time I'm meeting them plus imma be living in a house with a whole bunch of hot guys

I knock on the door and....

To Be Continued....

My Fake Relationship { A Sway Boy Fan fiction }Where stories live. Discover now