Part 5

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When u and Quinton walk in everybody looks at u guys holding hands

Josh: oh umm hey guys we need to talk

As I sit down with Quinton

Victoria: what do you want to talk about

( a quick p.s.a the people in the living room wanting to talk to u are nessa, josh ,Bryce, Avani Addison ,Anthony ,kio ,griffin, Jaden)

Griffin: we need to talk about the rumours going on about u

Victoria: okkkk?

Addison: we need to know if there fake or not

Bryce: so is it true that u and chase kissed

Victoria: eww gross of course not whoever took the photo took it at a wrong angle

Everyone: sighed in relief *

Avani: also we needa know wtf happened with u and mads why was she yelling at u and why did u push her in the pool

Jaden: maybe we should ask nessa

Josh: nessa,why?

Victoria: nessa wanna explain

Nessa: what are u talking about

Victoria: did I fucking stutter

Addison: Victoria calm down

Victoria: no I already hate this bitch then she had the audacity to start rumours even though she knows exactly what happened

Addison: whispered* Victoria stop

Nessa: I don't know what ur talking about

Victoria: liar 🤥

Jaden: are u sure then why did u run of after josh bumped Victoria into me and we kissed by ACCIDENT

Victoria: and why did mads text me saying u told her that I "KiSsEd JaDeN oN pUrPoSe"

Kio: woahhhhh

Anthony and avani were like oh shit and smiling you know what I mean

Josh: nessa is this true

Nessa: yea i did so what I saw what I saw

Victoria:bitch you know josh bumped me u fool

Nessa: nope 😌

Victoria: I'm gonna kill u

U try to fight her but then Quinton, kio and Anthony pull u back then u just got mad and left the house (your a zero bullshit type person so no room for her in your life) once u left the house
U smoked a blunt and went to the gas station u bought lots of snacks and food and u got a slurpee when u left the gas station u saw lots of miss calls from everyone u called back Avani this was the call

Avani: where are u
Victoria: I'm at a gas station
Avani: can u please come back so we can talk this out
Victoria:we don't need to talk about this I don't like nessa therefore I'm not talking to her or hanging out with her but if the bitch try's me again she's getting her ass beat
Avani: ok fine I'll tell everyone that but can u just come home so me u and Addison can just chill
Victoria:fine bye

I get back home and see Quinton he pulls me to the side and says

Quinton : are u ok

Victoria:I'm fine

Quinton:are u sure

Victoria:yes I'm sure

He kisses your forehead and u just grab the bags of food u got from the gas station
U see Addison and avani and u guys go to your room u decided to have a sleepover so u dump all the food u got form the gas station in a pile then u guys realise it's not enough and then Anthony,Quinton,Bryce knocked on the door and asked if they can join The sleep over obviously we said yes we all ran to the store to grab some face masks ,games ,food and stuff to try out meanwhile Jaden and josh are talking to nessa about wth happened.

when we got home from the store we brought blankets and pillows and we all huddled around and watched movies and played games Anthony and avani cuddled to sleep so did Bryce and Addison (braddision🥰) and me and Quinton like this:

Ur POVI'm laying down on the couch while Quinton is sleeping on my chest and I'm thinking about a lot of things like does everyone think I'm problematic because of the situation and the way I talked to nessa what will happen now that I have said I...

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I'm laying down on the couch while Quinton is sleeping on my chest and I'm thinking about a lot of things like does everyone think I'm problematic because of the situation and the way I talked to nessa what will happen now that I have said I don't like nessa will this fake ass relationship fix everything or make it worse could mads drop the beef now that it's been said that josh bumped me wth is going on it's only my second day here and I pushed a girl in a pool got yelled at by a girl who thinks I kissed her "mans". There's a picture of me looking like I kissed chase and nessa is officially my worse enemy.
End of POV

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