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When u knock on the door.... bryce opens the door

Bryce: hey Victoria nice to meet u

Victoria: nice to meet u too

As u walk in u see the boys standing there with nessa and mads they all say hi and u guys hug but when u have to hug mads and nessa u were so uncomfortable u just really don't like them but no one knows.Bryce helps u with ur things u notice how fine one guy was I mean there all fine but this one😻😻😻

Victoria: it's great see u guys

Jaden: we're glad to have u

U just stared into his beautiful eye u got so lost in them that u didn't hear josh saying ur name

Josh: Victoria,Victoria earth to Victoria

Victoria: um yea

Josh: let me show u to ur room

U josh nessa and Bryce helped u to ur room

Bryce: umm this is ur new room u can fressing up and meet downstairs we have something for u but feel comfortable and if u need anything ask

Victoria: ok thanks

Once they leave u jump on ur bed cause ur exhausted. Ur room looks like this ~>

 Ur room looks like this ~>

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My Fake Relationship { A Sway Boy Fan fiction }Where stories live. Discover now