Part 8

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Josh Meets up with u and says

Josh: you still on for tonight

Victoria: ion know I don't want to start trouble with nessa

Josh: don't worry it will be fine we're just going as friends

Victoria: then I guess so

Josh: ok bet meet me outside in 10 mins

Josh leaves to grab some things and I go put on my shoes , grab my phone witch has my card in case and I meet josh at the car

He unlocks it and we get in
It was kinda awkward cause he's dating the girl I don't like but ....
It izzz what it izzz 🤷🏾‍♀️

Josh: so we gonna eat first
Victoria: yea
Josh: what about chick fi la
Victoria:I've never tried it
Josh: oh yea cause u live in Canada, well it's really good
Victoria:then chick fi la we goooo
We both laugh
Josh: then we're gonna watch a jumanji 2 in a outdoor movie theatre, so we gotta go target to get blankets and snacks then we can go to chick fi la
Victoria: sounds good
The car ride to target was uncomfy 🧚🏾✨ but we vibed to some music we pull up to the target parking lot and got a cart I hopped inside while josh pushed and we laughed till we got inside and I hoped out

Victoria: so blankets first
Josh: yea
We went to the aisle for a big blanket to share josh picked it out but I didn't wanna say anything I just thought it was weird we were sharing one
As we went to the food section I got a text from my phone it was chase how the fuck did he get my number?


Chase: Hey Victoria
Victoria: how did u get my number


End of convo

As I see chase typing josh asks me to pick the snacks I turn of my phone and go

Josh: sour gummie worms or gummy bears

Victoria: both😂🤷🏾‍♀️
We both laugh
The whole time all I could think about was why chase what's to talk so bad

We drive up to the chick fi la drive through

(Let's just skip to when y'all get ur food and are at the indoor theatre I don't know what u order at chick fi la)

U and josh set up the car So u can watch the movie the whole time u were still confused on why chase had ur number u just could not get over it

Once y'all were done u say in the back of the car with the snacks u turn on ur phone to post it on ur snap u saw a message from chase


Chase: that doesn't matter

Victoria:Ok fine whatever what do u  want

Chase: nudes

Victoria: 😭😭😭 ur playing right

Chase: send them right now

Victoria: no aren't u and Charlie dating

Chase: nah

Victoria: yea ok, let me ask them

Chase: u tell her and I'll tell ur secret

Victoria: my secret?

Chase: the one that u have a an older brother in jail

I have a older brother, and yes he's in jail he's in there for assault. I was dating this guy and one day he just snapped on me and started getting ruff with me. because I'm a zero bullshit person I told my brother he's in a gang and shit so yk he got the blicky and the glocks he told me if he try's something more serious to tell him, the next day he was at our house my brother was downstairs and he hit me, like actually hit me my brother heard it and ran upstairs and drag him out the house putting a gun too him and beating him up. The guy told the cops and lied bout what happened the cops didn't believe me or my brother so now he's in jail my parents know about him being in a gang but are fine with just as long as he don't sell drugs. I never told anyone cause I don't want people saying my brothers in jail I try to keep a good reputation with myself  and my brother with my big fan base  I don't want people to think he's bad, but Hey he's getting out in a few months. I don't know how he knows this no one does.

Victoria: u wouldn't dare
End of text

Before he read it josh came in and sat next to u u turned off ur phone and the movie was starting
U both were sharing a blanket and eating

You know when u and someone are beside each other and one of ur body parts touch each other and it's kinda awkward but u don't wanna move it so it don't look like ur rude or something that was what was going on

Josh's POV
Me and Victoria were In a awkward position but I didn't wanna bother her even tho I'm dating nessa and this is not a date even though
it seemed like one, one thing I noticed was that Victoria's phone was going off and I peeked to look who it was and it was chase wth are they talking about she quickly put her phone on
silent and turned the facing down screen facing down I hope he ain't bothering her chase has a history with disrespecting girls

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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