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The wolves walked along in the footprints of a large creature.
"I wonder what these footprints are of?" A white wolf whispered.
She had a beautiful white coat and icy blue eyes. She waved her brown tipped tail in the wind of the night. It was a cold night, as usual.
"Oh I know where we're going!" A black wolf bragged.
He had dark brown eyes, that many wolves believed were full of evil. This black wolf was the son of the chief wolf. The chief was the harshest wolf in all of Stratton. Stratton has been a hard environment to live in for a long time, and not many animals lived at all, certainly no hind leggers.
"Oh be QUIET Desron!" A black and grey wolf screamed from the back of the pack.
"None of us know where were going. Were just following chief.." He mumbled as he finished his sentence.
"Oh let Desron finish please Corrow!" A brown and black wolf punished. She had amazing orange eyes.
"ALL OF YOU BE QUIET!" The chief yelled.
The chief didn't have very good relations with any of the wolves, except for the white and brown wolf Solargh. She was the sweetest wolf in the pack, and was willing to do whatever for the chief she also had a beautiful coat, and the most wonderful eyes. The chief was an old wolf. He had many bald patches of fur on his pelt, and cuts on his ears. He also had a completely grey coat. Being a chief was definitely not the easiest job in Stratton. Nothing was easy in Stratton though. The most beautiful wolf in this chiefs pack was Solargh, in this dark world to have have rgh at the end of your name was very lucky, it meant warm sleep. Many animals counting wolves died every night because of frostbite. You may wonder why this world has so many problems.. That's because every animal here lives, in eternal night..

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