Chapter 4

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Joliah. The word echoed in his mind. Who is Joliah?
"Corrow!...............Corrow!..." Cara yelled.
"Huh..?" Corrow turned around.
"Snap out of it! Tell us, who is Joliah?" Desron yelled.
"Joliah? I'm not sure, the word just came into my mind.....W-What am I doing here?" He replied.
The wolves looked at one another and laughed.
"You walked out here all alone! And the word Joliah didn't just come into your mind, it came out of your mouth as well!" Solargh said with a chuckle.
"Where's chief?" Desron asked.
"He.. He decided to stay behind." Solargh replied.
"Oh, why is that?" Cara asked politely.
"I, I'm not sure.." Solargh answered trying very hard not to cry.
"Ok well, I know this sounds crazy, but I think I might know where Joliah is." Corrow said.
The wolves all looked at one another shrugging in agreement. "Let's go!"

"So how do you know he's this way Corrow, I'm starting to think this is a waste of time.." Desron asked.
"As I said earlier, it's an urge... I'm sure it's not a waste of time." Corrow replied.
"Hey! You smell that?" Cara interrupted.
All the wolves stuck their noses high in the air.
"Ash?" Corrow wondered.
"Look, over there! There's a wolf, tending to a.. FIRE!" Solargh screamed in terror.
She grabbed the wolves and pulled them behind a nearby rock.
"Who's a good listener?" She whispered.
"I, I guess I am." Desron replied. He started to twitch his ears.
"Listen hard alright Desron? Then tell us what the wolf says." Cara said.
"Well I do-" "SHHHHHHH!" Everyone shushed Desron.
Desron twitched and focused his ears, to try and hear what the wolf was saying, if it was saying anything at all.
"I'll keep watching him." Solargh said.
The wolf moved in an almost ancient way. He was brown and white, he wore a deer hide over his back. He didn't have very long fur, but he looked quite young.
"He's moving inside a tent. You can rest now Desron." Solargh said.
"What did he say? Or didn't he say anything?" Corrow asked.
"He preformed some ritual about land and sea. Something about a tree, whatever that is, and he said something about having to repeat a ritual twice because it didn't work." Desron explained.
"Well now we know it's a male wolf, and he's crazy. What did you find out Solargh?" Cara said. "Well I examined how he looked. He didn't look crazy but he's a young brown wolf, quite cute, but he has extremely short fur!" Solargh replied.
"How does he survive with short fur?" Corrow asked.
"Well it might just be us, we do have quite long fur. But the thing is, he wears some sort of deer pelt cape. I don't know how he got it, I haven't seen a deer in years!" Solargh answered.
"Well he sounds cute! Let's go and greet him!" Cara said.
"Hey now, for all we know he could be crazy!" Corrow warned.
Cara ran off towards the tent.
"CARA!" Corrow screamed.
He ran after her and pounced her.
"What in Stratton are you doing Corrow!" Cara screeched.
"You can't just intrude into some wolves territory like that! He doesn't even know who we are!" Corrow explained.
Cara snarled. "Get off!"
"Only if you promise not to go in there Cara." Cara bit Corrow's arm.
Corrow whimpered in agony and collapsed onto his side. Cara got up and stumbled towards the tent. It was made out of soft black moose pelts. She sniffed the entrance then pushed the tent open with her muzzle. The other wolves raced towards her. They skidded to a stop when they realised she had already opened the tent.
"We don't want the wolf to know there are more of us, let's just back away quietly and hope the wolf can't smell us." Solargh explained to Desron.
Corrow looked up in shock."GUYS! LOOK UP!"
Two fully black owls swooped down and flew just behind them. Desron and Solargh looked up. "I don't see anything?" Desron said.
"What was that?" Solargh said sounding very frightened.
"Twilight, Midnight!" A voice bellowed.
"Joliah.." Corrow mumbled to himself.
Solargh and Desron looked back at him then to the tent. Cara had gone inside the tent! A brown wolf pushed open the tent opening with his paw to find Solargh and Desron standing directly in front of him. He let out a scream.
"Hey cutie.." Cara said as she tapped him on the back from inside the tent.
"Eeeek!" He screeched.
Two purple eyed owls perched on the top of his tent.
"Hahahaha!" The brown wolf laughed.
"Well hello there friends!" He said, this time his voice did not sound so deep.
"Your welcoming us?" Cara asked as she quickly hopped out of the tent.
"Of course! I don't usually get many visitors, and if your here that means the ritual worked! I did have to repeat it twice but you know.. It still worked!" He said.
Corrow hopped up and limped over to the tent.
"Oh I'm sorry, did my owls hurt you? BAD Twilight, BAD Midnight!" He said.
"Actually. No, I was bitten by my team member Cara. She was intruding your territory." Corrow explained.
"Oh! Speaking of names, I am Joliah! King of the Jungle!" Joliah said.
"Joliah aye.. What was that ritual that you had to perform twice?" Solargh asked.
"Oh come inside I will tell you everything." He said.

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