Chapter 11

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"Untie us immediately!" Yelled a black wolf with dark brown eyes. His eyes swirled with evil, anger and awareness.
"Yeah do what he says! He is the son of the chief wolf!" Another fully black wolf screamed. She had angry orange eyes. These wolves Cara and Desron were just standing on their hind paws whilst their front paws were tied up with a strange material also tied to the roof of the small stone cave they were in.
"I don't think these wolves understand when to shut up?" A little grey owl said. He had a snowy white face and black specks in his feathers. His evil blue eyes said that he was an owl helper in Destiny.
"Make them!" A huge black owl hooted. It flew down from a small rock sitting in the cave they were in. It perched in front of the wolves, all fours tied up.
"Midnight, cut us down. Please?" Cara asked sweetly.
Midnight squinted. "Fine." He flew up and untied the material at the top of the cave but still left the material tied around their paws.
"Still don't trust us?" Desron chuckled.
"Not so much after the incident that happened back in Persial." He replied.
"What?" Cara asked.
"Your friend Corrow, attacked my team member Dijergh and threatened to kill my little friend." Midnight sighed.
Desron looked at Cara.
"How could he have been so crazy." Cara said.
"Well I thought wolves and owls were friends, but your pack is against that, could you please explain why?" Midnight asked.
"We are not against it! Untie us now!" Desron yelled.
"I'm not letting you go until you answer my questions." He squawked. Midnight stared into Desron's evil eyes with his evil lavender eyes.
"We aren't against it, Corrow is crazy." Cara replied.
"Exactly, thank you, your leader is a monster. Now if we eliminated this wolf you wouldn't have a leader-"
"What makes you think we'd eliminate him!" Desron yelled.
"Oh, I'm sorry you wolves care for him. I thought true friends sticker so each other no matter what?" Midnight said.
"We were split up! It's different!" Cara yelled.
"Why don't you join our group. After all you don't have a leader for much longer." Midnight said. Cara looked at Desron and then at Midnight. Midnight hopped over to the wolves and cut the material around their paws.
"Leave and I shall not hear of this little incident again. Okay?" Midnight commanded.
The wolves nodded and ran out of the cave.

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