Chapter 23

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The sun shone on the wolves, yet there were no oo's and ah's as the wolves were used to the sun. The rafts wood was dry and hard, and the wolves felt as though they would be leaving this island very soon. Corrow woke to a fresh start, a new him. He felt bright, and free.
"Morning!" He said.
"Yay! More work on the raft!" Desron said sarcastically.
The wolves began to walk back to the raft.
"I wish my dad was here right now so he could see how were going." Solargh moaned.
"Stop acting like your the only one!" Desron groaned.
"What do you mean?"
"He was my father too!"
Solargh stopped.
"Pardon?" Corrow said.
"He said that chief was his dad too!" Cara replied.
The wolves didn't say a word to each other until they arrived at the raft.

Corrow immediately walked over to a nearby tree and started to cut it down.
"So when did you find out that Sandro was your dad." Solargh asked.
"I found out as soon as we traveled to Collarb, from our old camp in Stratton." Desron replied.
"I see."
Solargh seemed to go silent, as if she was too trapped in her thoughts to talk.
Desron walked over to the other wolves getting ready for when the tree fell. He waited until he felt the log thump on his back.
"Come on wolves you're doing great!" Corrow put his hatchet back into his satchel and carried the log with Joliah, Cara, and Desron.
"Thanks for protecting the raft Solargh, this should be our last log." Corrow said.
The wolves plunked the log beside the raft. They tied the rope and stood back to look at the raft.
It had around four logs and was a curved shape. It wobbled around when you pushed on it.
"So how do we control it." Joliah asked.
"Oh, um I thought you would know that." Corrow laughed.
"Hmm, well we could try to put a tiller on the back. I've heard those strange creatures talk about it."
"Sounds, good.." Corrow sounded confused.
"It will take a lot of hard work!"
"Well, we can achieve anything if we put our mind to it!"
The wolves all high pawed each other.
Corrow looked around at the trees. "How much wood do we need."
"A small tree, not too tall." Joliah replied.
Corrow walked around but still could not find a small tree.
"I am going to venture a bit further and try to find a short tree." He said.
"Don't go too far. Remember, Unidos is dangerous." Joliah warned.
Corrow nodded and walked into the forest. He hoped nothing bad would happen to him, but he believed he was safe.
"Small tree, small tree." He repeated to himself. "Perfect!"
He raced towards a small tree with lots of branches and twigs.
"Not so fast Corrow, what do you want that tree for." A black owl hooted as it landed on it.
"Too small for a boat." He tweeted observing the tree.
"It is.." Corrow growled. "What do you want Midnight! Haven't you bothered us enough."
"Well, yes that is the point. But I don't want to disturb you if you're busy." He chuckled.
Corrow pulled out his hatchet and started to hack down the tree. The tree fell down onto Corrows back and Midnight fluttered off it.
"Oh by Persial, I nearly died!" Midnight teased.
"I'm not trying to kill you.." Corrow mumbled.
"Oh just like you didn't try to kill Dijergh."
Corrow leaped up into the air and grabbed the owl by his talons.
"I'll have you know I didn't kill him to annoy you, I did it because he had knocked me unconscious." Corrow let go and Midnight immediately flew away. He carried the log back through Unidos, the ground and the trees had a beautiful blue glow, and the roots of the forest tangled around the floor and shrubs. Clear blue lakes and waterfalls streamed through the forest, as the sun glimmered upon the wet mossy rocks. The place looked ancient but to the wolves it was new.

When Corrow arrived back at the raft he told the wolves about what Midnight said, and what he did to Midnight.
"Corrow, you have to stop killing owls!" Cara said.
"I don't! I've only killed one." Corrow sighed.
"Let's see this wood you got." Joliah said, trying to change the subject.
Corrow dropped the wood beside the raft.
"It's probably the best peice we could have gotten but it's going to take a long time to build a tiller out of." Joliah said after feeling and observing the wood.
"We will need a knife, and the only person I know with a knife would be Midnight," Joliah said. "And just because we have a tiller doesn't mean we don't need a sail."
The wolves sighed. "I wish we knew what you were talking about." Desron said.
"Does a sail need any wood?" Corrow asked.
Corrow collapsed and sulked into his arms.
"Is it really that hard." Joliah said soothingly.
"Yes.. It's not normal for a wolf to hack down trees with a hatchet."
"I know, they were made for those strange creatures. Did you know that they have some strange animals as pets!"
Corrow completely ignored Joliah and lay still on the ground beside the raft.
Solargh sat next to him.
"We have to do this." She said.
Corrow smiled, it was lovely to hear her sweet voice once again.
"It just seems pointless to put so much effort into something that isn't going to work." Corrow moaned.
"What make you think that it isn't going to work!" Cara scolded.
"Wolves! It's sun still, and I'm starving!" Joliah warned.
The wolves started walking back to Joliahs tent to eat, howling in joy! But to Corrow it just seemed like an endless and pointless journey.

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