3. Only I

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He drove faster and faster, getting angrier by the second. His grip on the wheel stayed in a tight clunch and his eyes narrowed on the road. He was really angry.

"Uh, Jack," I said, softly. I was scared to make him even more inraged. "Calm down."

"Calm down!?" His neck snapped to look at me. He gave me a glare. "Why should I!? Do you not realize you almost got raped!? Again!? By the same person!? You should be mad too!"

"I am." I said to him, getting scared. "But you saved me and it didn't happen. I'm just happy I made it out there without anything happening." With that his face softened a bit. He just looked at me then back at the road. His anger still showed as we pulled up to our house.

We went inside and found no body there. It was empty. I guess our parents went out for a date night since me and Jack were gone, Anna had went to her boyfriends house and Emma went to a birthday sleepover with her friends.

"I guess it's just us." I looked at him. He didn't say a thing. He just stared at me. But not with his usual emotionless face; He had a sad look. And he intentionally showed it to me.

"Go get changed. You're not going back out." He said with a stern voice. He then walked past me and into the kitchen. "Hurry up. I'll make you something."

"Okay." I didn't argue. That face he made had me lost. I didn't care about going out at all. I just wanted to see that face again.

I walked upstairs and changed into my favorite pale blue sweatpants with "boss" on it and a white spaghetti strapped crop top with a Snowflake on the back. Then, I wiped off my face with a rag, leaving nothing but my bare face. After, I took my hair out of the braid I loved so much and put it in a ponytail perfectly centered in the back of my head.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, seeing Jack slave over the stove and hearing the sizzle of canola oil from the pan. He had already changed I guess because he was in his pajama pants with a tight white tank top that hugged his every muscle and abs... Ugh, thank god he didn't notice me in the room cause, if he did, he'd see me drooling. And boy, was I drooling.

"What are you making?" I asked him as I passed the island in the middle of the kitchen. As I walked up to him I studied his athletically built body that was getting harder to pretend not to notice by the second.

"Chicken curry," He said, not looking back. He was focused on the chicken that was cooking within the pan. "With rice."

"Okay." I said. He looked at me with his usual expressionless face. We stared at each other, Like always. But this time we didn't avert our eyes. We just watched each other. Until we smelled the burn of the chicken.

"Shit." He said. He grabbed a spatula and tried to get the chicken from out the pan but it was stuck. He signed then turned off the burner. "No curry tonight." He stared at me, waiting for me to answer.

"Okay." I say. "We can still eat rice..." I hesitated. "Y... You're eating with me, right?"

"Yea." He says and turns to check on the rice. "In a couple more minutes." I nod and he sits in one of the chair by the island. I sit in the one infront of him. Then it fell silent.

"Why did you go with him?" Jack didn't make eye contact with me.

"I told you why." I said.

"No, I mean why did you go even though you knew what he had done?"

"Because..." I thought about my answer. Knowing him he would probably get angry if I told him something he didn't like. And he scares me when he's angry. "I guess I'm just too naive and trusting. I thought he was over with that. The look in his eye... was the same as back then."
"You don't judge someone's intentions by looking at someone's face." He said with a hint of anger in his voice. I guess I said something wrong. "Elsa... do you..."

"Yea?" I ask him as he paused. I looked at him, concerned, then he looks at me straight in the eye. Giving me that same expression from before: sadness.

"Do you still love him?"

"No." I straightforwardly said to him. He sighed then once again looked at me.

"Is there someone you like?"

I paused. I couldn't answer that... because I'm positive if I say I do I'll confess and confessing to him will probably be the biggest mistake of my life.

"Why do you care?" I look away from his blue eyes that looked fierce and concerned. I tried to sound as nonchalantly as possible.

"Because..." He hesitated. "I need to know... he might hurt you."

"This person will never hurt m-"

"Don't believe that!" Jack's hand reached for mine. "That guy... he could be another Hans."

"That guy..." I looked at him with a straight face. I wanted to make him think it was somebody other than him... maybe if I tell him that we'll have more to talk about. "That guy has nothing to do with you."

"Yes, he does!" Jack had partially exploded. He had shouted and hit his fist on the table. He didn't look at me with his angry blue mirror's he has for eyes... instead he looked down to his lap.

"Why are you so angry?" I ask him, grabbing his hand. He looked up at me then at my hands. He looked like he was unsure about my gesture. He almost seemed scared.

"Because..." He ran his hand that I wasn't holding through his hair as he paused then looked at me with a serious face. "Nobody can... care for you... like I can. I'm the only one."

"What do you mean?"

"I..." He seemed to be choosing his words carefully. "I am the only one who can..." He sighed then took my hand into a tight hold. "Love you the right way."

My heart almost popped out of my chest. The word love coming from his mouth filled me with butterflies. But why was he saying this? What... kind of love?

"Jack, please," I said almost pleading. "You have to be more specific with the word love. Or else I might get my hopes up."

His eyes widen when I say this. He could see how scaried I was... I really was. Because if he said he loved me like a brother that would be it for me. I don't think I could ever love again.

He breathed in then squeezed my hand. Then his face became serious. "Elsa," He began. "Don't let them touch you."

My Possesive Step-Brother [❄Jelsa❄]Where stories live. Discover now