A Surprise.

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Leah pov

I open my eyes to see Sugars beautiful tattooes. I sit up from his chest and stretch quietly. His eyes open a little and he smiles at me before checking his watch, then he sits up quickly.

"Late"he signs.

He gets up and begins to get dressed quickly.

"Maybe you should call in today"i say seductively.

He lets off a silent chuckle as he pulls a tie around his neck.

"Surgery today"he signs.

"Oh, so you are a sergeon?"I smile.

He nods as he buttons the cuffs on his neat blue shirt. He pulls his pants over his legs, jumping to get them up as he rushed.

"So your good with your hands?"i smirk.

He smirks back at me as he walks oer to me. He gently grips my face and presses a few soft kisses on my lips. I chuckle before deepening the kiss. It became more passionate than he had expected, i could tell. I move my hands to the back of his head behind his ears and attempt to slip myself into his lap. Suddenly he pulls away and clears his throat, standing up.

"Sugar"i chuckle.

He looks back at me.

"Whats wrong? Is it me?"i ask.

He shakes his head, blushing.

"It's me, nervous"he signs.

I chuckle.

"Why are you nervous?"i ask as he fixes his hair in the mirror.

"About what you'll think"he says.


"Is it...small?"

The look on his face becomes a mixture of 'what?' and 'wow, ouch'. He shakes his head as he silently laughs.

"There are things i like"he says.


"Hm"i say standing up and walking over to him. 

"Well,"i say fixing his colar "take your time, i'm in no hurry"

He smiles, leaning down to kiss me once more before picking up his briefcase. I watch as he leaves the room. I huff as I walk out of the room, seeing Joey and Ethan cooking breakfast. 

"Good morning"Joey signs as he speaks.

Ethan signs hello before handing me a plate. I thank him as i sit. 

"Sugar tell you about the surprise yet?"Joey asks.

"No, what surprise?"i question.

"Wouldn't be a surpise if I told you"he shrugs.

I laugh as i begin to eat. Suddenly a loud thumping noise frightened me. I jump and turn towards the no limits room.

"help"i hear someone call. 

"help, please"he cries. 

I look at Joey who seems uncomfortable.

"Im sorry, i figured sugar would've...would've gotten rid of him by now"he says quietly.

"....what does he do in there?"i ask.

"Uh..he-he asked me not to tell you"he says.

"Why?"i ask.

"He doesn't want you to be scared"

I look down at my plate, picking at my food.

"But you know, right?"i ask.

SUGAR -Stephen JamesWhere stories live. Discover now