Joey's pov

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Joey's pov

I quickly walk with Ethan to Sugars front door, opening it with my key.

"Why are we here?"ethan signs.

"Because, we need to check on leah, sugar was very angry with her and you know how he gets"I sign back as I push open the door.

I point ot the couch and ethan sits while i go towards sugars bedroom door. I begin to knock loudly.

"Sugar! Open the door man!"i demand. 

The door opens and I see sugar alone in the room.

"Where is Leah?"i ask folding my arms.

"Basement"he signs as he walks out of the room.

"Sugar you didn' didn't um, 'hurt' her did you?"i ask.

"I did"he signs walking into the kitchen.

"Sugar it was her first offense!"i say.

"She needs to learn"he signs.

I put my hands on my head and groan, stressed.

"Was it her first time?"i ask quietly.

"Far as i know"he signs before pouring himself some whiskey.

I take the whiskey from him and pour it in the sink. 

"Why such a dick right now Sugar, you promised Sarah you wouldn't drink anymore"i say.

He huffs, leaning against the counter. 

"I thought she was the one"he signs. 

"Maybe she is Sug. This is just a setback, she doesn't know any better she's a girl man, of course she's gonna have sympathy"i say. 

"She knew the rule"he signs angrily.

"Sugar she knows what she did was wrong, you punished her she'll learn from her mistakes"i say.

He runs his hands through his hair. 

"Go ge her"he signs grabbing a water bottle and walking towards the bedroom again. 

I nod as i take the keys from the counter and go towards the back door. I hear her yelling already.

"Sugar! Sugar please"she cries out. 

She beats in the basement door as she cries, obviously scared. I wouldn't blame her, the basement is basically a dungeon. He keeps the dogs down there. I hear them barking at her as well. I begin to unlock the door as she cries louder. I open the door seeinge her sitting down in front of the dogs.

 A form of intimadation Sugar uses. There's no way the dogs can get to her, but the thought of them doing so is enough to set anyone straight. And the dogs are trained to attack anyone sugar says, once they're set on a target they wont stop till they've killed it, or unless sugar demands. 

She quickly crawls out to me, shaking with fear as the dogs become more violent among seeing her leave. Her legs were bruised, her arms and face as well. I huff as i help her stand up. She whimpers as we walk towards the house.

"N-no, he-he's mad don't go in the houde if he's mad"she whimpers, trying to pull away from the house.

"He's not gonna hurt you anymore Leah, it's okay, c'mon"i say.

We limp back into the house and I sit her on the couch next to Ethan who was very concerned. He begins to sign to her but i don't pay attention. I go get some ice from the freezer and bring it back to her, placing it on her swollen cheek. 

"I-I said i was sorry, he was just s-so angry I-"i cut her off by shaking my head. 

"I don't side with what he did, but we both asked you repeatedly to not go to that door, no matter what, Leah. The one rule, you can do anything else but that"i say. 

She nods.

"I understand. Never again"she says quietly.

Suddenly sugar opens the door. Leah looks back slowly. I could see the shame in sugars eyes. He signals for her to come and she stands. She walks into the room with him and he closes the door behind her. Ethan looks at me.

"He did that to her"he signs. 

I nod.

He shakes his head.

"That's your best friend"Ethan signs as he stands up.

Leah pov

I walk into the room being catious around sugar. He takes me into the bathroom where he had set up a bubble bath for me. I look at him. 

"To help with soreness"he signs. 

I nod, slipping out of my clothes and into the bubble bath. He pulls a stool besides the tub and sits next to me. He puts his head in his hands and huffs before beginning to sign.

"I won't apologize for punishing you. I will admit that i took it to far"he signs. 

 I look up into his eyes.

"I....I understand that you felt bad. Sometimes i do to. But then i remember that what i'm doing is good. Maybe not to some people, but in my eyes-"he gently grips my face. "In our eyes, it's good"

I place my hand on his. 

"I understand"i whisper.

He huffs.

"I don't want you to be scared of me"

I chuckle.

"Im not scared"

He huffs. 

"Don't take long. I still have your surprise waiting"he signs.

Okay, i promise that there w i l l be smut in both books now, i had to plan it out but its coming, im used to writing boyxboy stuff so i fon't know if im good at writting boyxgirl, so bare with me lol

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