Date Night

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Leah's pov

I chuckle as Sugar and i walk hand in hand towards a dock. It had been a very romantic evening so far. Dancing, luxury chocolate tasting, the movies, stargazing, etc. Seems as thought Sugar had one thing more in mind before we went home. 

"What do you think?"he signs as we walk towards the water. 

"It's beautiful"i laugh as he walks over to the dock railing.

"I thought so. Me and Joe used to come here a lot."he signs.

"Do you still?"i ask.

He shakes his head.

"He got really sad when his wife passed, this was her favorite spot. He steers clear of it now"Sugar signs.

"That's awful"i say, making him nod. 

He claps excitedly in attempt to liven the mood.

"How about this"he signs before taking off his jacket.

"Sugar, what are you doing?"i ask, folding my arms as he unbuttons the cuffs on his shirt.

He doesn't respond and continues to undress down to his black boxer briefs.

"Sugar"i laugh as he runs and jumps into the water. 

He reemerges and brushes his wet hair back from his face.

"I am not getting in there"i say, stubbornly.

"Why not?"he signs.

"Because i can't swim"i say, making him laugh silently.

"I'll help you, come on"he signs, smiling.

I bite the inside of my cheek in thought. I then huff as I reach for the zipper of my dress, making Sugar smile widely. I unzip the dress and tug it down, leaving me in my strapless bra and matching black underwear.

I sit down on the dock and begin to ease myself into the warm water. I fall fully into the water and Sugar catches me.

"See, not so bad"he signs with one hand as he holds me with the other.

I chuckle as we begin to sway in the water. 

"This is really romantic"i say softly.

"I was gonna set up something more special, i wasn't planning on swimming tonight."he says.

"Something more special?"i chuckle. 

He nods as we swim towards an island near the middle of the lake.

"Did you have fun tonight?"he signs.

"Most of it was fun, yeah"i chuckle.

"I'm sorry about Ruby"he signs as we reach the island.

I could reach the ground here, the island dock was shallow, like a square in the middle of the lake. I smile.

"It's okay. Like you said, it was for the cause"i say, making him smile again.

"I can't wait to marry you"He signs, making me blush.

He kisses my lips softly. I kiss him back more passionately and he presses me against the dock island. I moan into the kiss as his hands move over my body beneath the water. His lips move down to my neck and i chuckle. 

"Are we really about to have sex in a lake?"i moan.

"Seems so"he signs, continuously kissing my neck passionately.

I laugh and moan as his hands move over my breasts. He lifts me up onto his waist as he kisses me. I run my fingers through his hair as I feel his clothed erection against my heat. I moan again, feeling him begin to grind against me. Sugar gropes my breasts as he grinds against me.

I moan as one of his hands travel back down my body to my heat. He dips his hand into the waistband of my underwear and easily slips them down my legs. I moan, feeling one of his fingers press against my clit. I gasp as he begins to rub it gently, in small circles.

I moan loudly at the pleasure, making sugar smirk on my neck. I breathe heavily, biting my lip to try and contain the noise. He then stops, making a motion as if he was pulling his own underwear as well. I feel him press the tip of his member against my entrance. I moan loudly as he slowly pushes in. I claw at his back as he begins thrusting, the water splashing up a bit with each thrust.

"Sugar"i moan out, lulling my head back as i feel him hit my gspot.

He makes a swift motion, and now Sugar was hitting deeper than before, to the point where it almost hurt.

I yelp out in pleasure so loud it echos. I begin to feel my orgasm approach. So soon, damn shame. But then i look down at Sugar, seeing his face i could tell he was close too. He looks up at me, deep into my eyes. His blue eyes are always so captivating. Suddenly i feel myself come undone. I moan loudly and my walls begin to clench around Sugar's length. He grunts slight, and i think i might have heard his voice. Only for a second, and it was more like a whisper, but it was still his voice.

His hips jolt a few times as he releases inside me. I moan as he kisses me, being sure to not make a sound as he orgasms. I wasn't worried about getting pregnant. When i was with Mikey, he had someone perform a procedure on me. I only remember him putting me to sleep and then waking up. Mikey said i had been sterilized.

I breathe out through my nose as he breaks the kiss, breathless as well. He places his forehead on mine and attempts to catch his breath. Once I finally catch my breath i look around.

"Where are my underwear"i say. 

Sugar lifts his head and begins to look around.

"God damn it, Sugar"i laugh. 


I chuckle as Sugar quietly unlocks the front door. He pushes it open and we see Ethan and Joey asleep on the couch together.

"Aw"Sugar signs.

I huff, putting my hands on my hips as we walk back towards our bedroom.

"I think you work Joe to hard"i say.

"How so?"he signs, beginning to undress.

"Who gets rid of dead bodies?"i ask.

"Joe"he signs.

"Who cleans up afterwards?"


"Who stays up late fabricating documents for you?"


"Who also has a disabled son to look after?"

He huffs and nods.

"Your right"he signs.

"Im the wife, i'm always right"i say folding my arms, making him chuckle.

"Fine, I'll give him a break"he signs, making me smile. 

"Very good" i say, stepping out of my heals.

"Care to join me in the shower?"he asks.

"Do you even need to ask?"i chuckle following him into the bathroom.

SUGAR -Stephen JamesWhere stories live. Discover now