Chapter 14Death Took Too Many Loved Ones

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Ashley's POV

        I felt a buzzing in my ears. I looked at the ceiling in my room. I hoped it wasn't real. Andy... Couldn't be dead, could he? But the dream and a feeling told me otherwise. Tears welled up in my eyes. I wish I wasn't Hades' legacy, and was still oblivious and able to hope Andy was alive. I could still hear Andy's scream echoing in my ears, as well as my heart pounding.

        After trying to go back to sleep, and failing, I got up. I smiled as this reminded me of the first time I walked outside after curfew. Outside it was dark, and a half moon looked down on me. I ran down to the beach, and sat down. "Nice day, isn't it?"

Nico's POV

        I looked in horror as Andy fell over, bleeding crimson blood. The killer pulled his/her blade away. In all the chaos, I couldn't see who it was. Rebekah stood next to me, sobbing slowly. The blade of the knife dripped green poison and red blood. I knew Andy was dead. I was worried about how Ashley would react. Then, she was a descendant of Hades. She might have the power to sense if Andy's dead.

        The person with the knife turned toward me. Her aquamarine eyes stared at me, then pointed to a skeleton. "Knock the boy out. Rebekah's on our side," Stephanie killed Andy, Rebekah's a traitor? Rebekah looked confused. "What are you saying?"

        "You're on the side of the Titans." She pulled out a sword and tapped me with it. I looked for Thanatos, but he'd disappeared.

        "Thanatos was really my using the Mist," Rebekah said miserably.

        "Why'd you betray us?" My voice rising. "I thought you were trustworthy! Andy was your friend! I almost TRUSTED YOU!" I screamed at her. I was betrayed too many times, because everytime I trusted I was betrayed. The only people I trusted, the seven, they died in the recent quest they went on, to rescue a whole school of demigods. It made me feel better to trust again, but I may never trust again. I knew Andy was dead, and that made 3 dead siblings.

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