I can't let this happen

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pictures/image from stories

chapter 1

Izuku stood before his mother. She looked just as ill and upset as he felt right now, 25 years of freedom. Growing up a healthy child, graining a quirk, going to UA, becoming a pro hero, then becoming number one hero even as an Omega, and now, he had to give it all up. Why, because he was a fated mate of a high-ranked Alpha. Izuku Midoriya was a rare male Omega. Male Omegas were the only ones to make prime alphas and bring on powerful quirks. Even though Izuku had been quirkless, his children would be powerful. At 5, he learned he was an Omega, though from a baby the Fate Seers of the high ranked families, saw he was an Omega and with the stars, foretold that he was fated and to be claimed by the high-rank family Avin and their Alpha son, who would be the leader of his family and the councils that control parts of the worlds.

The moment Izuku presented as an Omega, that Fate locked into place. Izuku was given until he was 25 years old to do as he pleased. Well, partly, he wasn't able to date, and it would be bad for the other person if he lost his virginity to someone other than his future mate. Izuku thought if he became a pro hero and number one hero, that the world needed him and his pillar of hope. That this, to be forced into mating to give up everything, would be put to an end. Not everyone got a claim at birth. However, there was only a 10% chance of male Omegas in the world. He just had to have the stars line up with a damn council member's brat.

Now he had to give up his life, his Hero job, and just become a baby-making machine for an Alpha he didn't care for. A person he didn't know very well. He met him here and there on holiday. But he had felt nothing, not even a pull or a flutter of the heart. Fated his butt. The fated couples' only stories were they felt that love and pull and some dream of a Red Thread tied to their Fated mate. This mating was just because the Avin family wanted Prime Alphas to make them even more powerful. To crush more of the world that they hadn't already. Make Alphas even more controlling. Give Omegas even less freedom. That Omegas would have to give up their chance at anything and just be mated at a young age, and once 25 and their heats started, they could breed babies. Bring back the old ways of mating at birth, raised to age, and then given to their mate's family to be with their future mate. No more of this waiting for them to pretend to have a life, and this plan only works if he births a bunch of Prime Alphas futures to prove that these claiming, fated mates because of the stairs, was a good thing.

Izuku looked down at his red boots. Well, at least he could keep these damn things. "I... oh hell... I don't want to do this," he said hastily. His mother sadly reached out and took his hands.

"I know... but they're a wonderful family... I... won't have to worry about you out being a hero now.... They'll take good care of you." she said, as she held one of his hands, patting the top of it.

Izuku made a face as he almost narrowed his eyes at his mother. Inko sighed. "I love you, sweetie, and when the Fate seer read your stars at your birth... and claimed you to be mated to Jagger as a male Omega. It was done. The council made it happen." Inko whispered as they headed down to the car now.

The fact his mother was letting this happen and not stopping them. Then again, she had never been happy about his hero life. It hurt yesterday when he had to tell the media that the pro Hero Deku was retiring already. Why, because his mating to Jagger Avin was happening. His future mate wanted him home and having babies. Izuku's hands fisted to the point his nails were biting into his flesh, causing small drops of blood to well up.

"Ma... Mom... Mommy!" Izuku said each name to make his mother finally stop and look at him. "I can't... I won't... I don't want to mate and have a bunch of babies with an Alpha I know nothing of... an Alpha that wants me to drop my life and bend over for him... I've come so far. I'm the number 1 Hero. I saved the world from an evil that was around for so long, and now, I'm to just drop being a hero." he spoke, his emotions coming out.

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