Knot in my Thread

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I am dyslexic and I am sorry for the few errors. My betas work on my story editing when they can. thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy the new story.

Hello everyone! I'm finally back to regular hours of work and finally getting my story juices going again! I'm happy to continue my stories. I'm happy to be back, and I'll try to get the chapter rolling again. I hope everyone is doing well.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Here to 2021 being a bit better.

Chapter 4

Knots in my threads

Katsuki let a smirk appear on his face as he looked at Izuku. "Well, why don't we get one now? I mean, I saw a jewelry shop while I was on patrol today." He said as he stood up, putting his finished food carter down. "Are you done eating?" Katsuki asked the green hair Omega. Izuku looked at his food. He only ate a few bites here and there. But his stomach had been in knots for a while.

"Yeah, I think so," Izuku said as he set his fork down and then his half-eaten food.

Katsuki cleaned up their trash. "We will be back soon, Ei. Lock the deadbolt behind us. I know you're a hardass but don't be dumb." he said as he moved and changed into his regular clothes and shoes.

Eijirou raised an eyebrow at the two but nodded as the two of them headed out of the room. Izuku seemed to look a little better as they headed out, as his mind had finally settled.

Deciding not to drive, they walked. It was cold but not so bitter cold. However, Izuku didn't fully feel the bite of cold as Katsuki held his hand in his. It made no sense, but they both had butterflies. This was a new start for them.

Once inside, the clerk was happy to show Izuku the ring sets. Izuku eyes widen at the prices before looking at the simple rings. Katsuki grunted something as he got his card out and handed it to the clerk. "Izuku gets what you want, doesn't matter the price. I want you to be happy." Katsuki said with an annoyed look that Izuku was trying to dim it down.

"But Kacchan I don't need a fancy one!" Izuku said as he pointed at a dull gold band.

Katsuki groaned again and moved closer. "No, how about this one?" he asked as he turned Izuku and pointed at a ring. It was a band of gold and black and had a line of rubies in it. Izuku moved closer to look at it, and the clerk got it out, giving it to Katsuki.

"The red threads of fate brought us together," Katsuki said as he slipped it on Izuku's finger.

Izuku's eyes widened as Katsuki placed the ring. His heart was beating a mile a minute. Well, Katsuki didn't just say anything to make one heart go crazy.

"Kacchan....," Izuku gasped.

Katsuki smirked as he watched Izuku reaction. "It looks good on you. We'll take it," he said as he looked to the clerk.

The clerk gave the nod. "Do you want me to box it up? Also, can I recommend a matching one when you get married?" The clerk said. Katsuki looked back to the clerk, being he was watching Izuku most of the time. He was enjoying the emotions he was getting out of Izuku.

"Sure. Unless you want something different for me, Izuku?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku looked up from staring at the ring. His mind had been repeating Katsuki's words. The red thread of fate, they were fated. Not that he enjoyed 'fated' anything, but it outdid his 'star fate' reading if it was real.

"For him, is there a black and red one?" He quietly asked with a smile on his lips.

The clerk shook his head. "Unfortunately, no, but we do have this black tungsten ring with emeralds." The clerk said as he bought over the ring.

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