Chapter 7

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// Next Day \\

Krystal's POV

"What do you guys know about witches?" (Donghae)

"They use magic" (Student)

"Mages are offsprings of witches and humans" (Wolf Student)

"They were sometimes a big threat to vampires" (Minhyuk)

"Yes, some witches were born from a witch and a necromancer. Who knows what a necromancer does?" (Donghae)

"Controls the dead" (V shouted)

"Yes, and bring the dead back to life" (Donghae)

"So some witches have the power to do little necromancery which meant they could control vampires" (Donghae)

"Oooohhh" (Wolves)

"So, there was a big war between vampires and witches and necromancers. Vampires won, necromancers were gone for good but some witches survived. Less who can do necromancary" (Donghae)

Witches could be friends with wolves... because of what happened to Jimin..

*Ding Dong*

I sat down with the girls in the cafeteria. We were just talking about random stuff. Tao came and sat next to Sulli, Luhan next to Victoria and Baekhyun next to Luna. Chen and Suho saw next to me and Amber. I saw the wolves (BTS) sitting at a table.

"Do you think wolves are friends or even allies with witches?" (Krystal)

"No lol that was random" (Amber)

"What makes you think that?" (Suho)

"Oh we were just learning about witches in class and stuff like that so yeah" (Krystal)

*Ding Dong*

// In Class \\

"Now next week you guys will be going to actually see and observe your chosen mythical creatures so make sure you guys know all the dangers of your mythical creatures since some of the mythical creatures chosen are indeed dangerous" (Donghae)

We got into our groups.

"I think we should list all the dangers we can face and then find things that will help us with it" (Minhyuk)

"Good idea" (Jimin)

"So what are the dangers again?" (V)

"If a vampire is bitten, the vampire will melt to death" (Krystal)

"And there was a cure for the bite" (Jimin)

"Zombies will always go for the living and won't attack another undead unless it's attacked" (V)

"So you and I will probably have to protect these two" (Minhyuk to me)

"Yep" (Krystal giggled)

"I'll prolly stick with you Minhyuk cos I don't think she can protect me very well" (V)

"Wow I WON'T protect you even if I CAN" (Krystal)

"Woah nice friend here" (V)

"Just joking..." (Krystal mumbled looking down at the ground)

Jimin put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry I trust you" (Jimin smiled)

"But we CAN protect ourselves you know.. We ARE wolves" (V)

"Yeah but this is just incase because they will attack you straight away they see you" (Krystal)

"Yeah and guys we really need to trust eachother because seriously.. If we get bitten it might be over for us, we might die so we really need to train ourselves and our abilities so we can REALLY protect ourselves" (Minhyuk)

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