Chapter 17

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After rolling around in bed several times, I decided to wake up as I couldn't go back to sleep after the dream that I had. It was 5 am in the morning. I decided to forget about what happened yesterday and got out of bed. I had so much time but had nothing to do. Then I remembered about the library in my closet and went in. I wanted to find a way to get Jimin back and fast. 

I grabbed the book I read last time to learn more about the spells that vampires can cast on wolves. I found out that apart from songs, there are actual spells that could be casted on wolves as well. I sped through the book reading every single line on every single page. Thanks to my vampire speed, it didn't take too long. My eyes stumbled upon a particular page that spelt out: Memory.

I thoroughly read over that specific page more than 10 times. Making sure everything was correct and I learnt the spell correctly. I had to whisper into Jimin's ear: ammetrine. I was very happy to get Jimin back and I ran back out of the library. It was 7 am and time to get ready for school and leave. 

I went downstairs to have breakfast. The girls were surrounding Sulli asking her if she was feeling alright and if she was up for school. Sulli seemed to have suffered shock from last night but she was in too bad of a condition to miss school. 

"I'm alright girls, sorry for making you worry so much" (Sulli)

"I hope you're alright Sulli, don't feel sorry for us" (Victoria)

We all started eating breakfast. I sat next to Sulli and talked to her while eating. I remembered the dream I had last night.

"You know.... I feel like we've met those wolves before don't you think?" (Krystal)

"When? I don't remember anything" (Sulli)

"I don't exactly know... But I have this feeling that we did used to know them... Like when we were young or something..." (Krystal)

"What are you guys secretly talking about?" (Sehun)

Sehun broke our conversation and we dropped the conversation about the wolves there. We finished eating and left the house.

Luckily, we didn't bump into the WinKon kids today while walking to school. 

I went to class and saw Jimin and V sitting at their seats. V waved hi and I waved back. I looked at Jimin and he was staring coldly into nowhere. Not giving any attention to me. I went at sat at the seat in front of their desks and faced them. I started talking to V and Jimin quickly stood up and left the class.

"I don't know what's with him these days... Don't worry about him so much" (V)

"Yeah... I guess" (Krystal)

"Anyways, are you alright? That wolf nearly kissed you man" (V)

"Yeah I guess so thanks to you" (Krystal)

I smiled at him as a sign of gratitude. He smiled back.

"Oh but I should be asking YOU that question, are you alright? like those wolves seemed way to strong to be considered normal.." (Krystal)

"Yeah.. I'm fine but it is really weird... I've never seen them around too" (V)

"I guess I'll have to do some research" (Krystal)

"Yeah me too haha" (V)

The class went on with Minhyuk, V and I working on our projects. Jiimin never came back to the class. 


I was walking to the cafeteria where I saw Jimin walking. I quickly ran up to him and grabbed his hand and made him turn around to face me.

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