Partners (Jon Moxley x Reader) Smut

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Warnings: language,smut, rough, sorta fluff at the end 
word count :1614

Jon is single in this imagine :)


I have to do what? I yell looking at Brandi with disbelief. I don't need a partner I groan."y/n calm down look I know this isn't what you wanted but we don't have a good spot for you in the women's division yet this is a way to get the fans interested in you before you debut there." Brandi says sympathetically.

By sticking me with Jon Moxley ? I may have a similar no fucks given style but I'm not the girl version of him I'm my own woman and I'm damn good at what I do. I exclaim doing my best not just to quit right then and there. "I know you're good why do you think we're giving your character such an opportunity the fans love Jon and they'll love you too." Brandi states calmly. looks like she's not budging on this one.

Fine but when do I get to wrestle? "That's TBD" she says smiling.

Jon's POV:

I don't need a partner I'm doing perfectly fine on my own Cody. I look at him coldly. You know I don't play nice with others. "Well she-". I cut him off. SHE?
"Yes Jon she it's y/n". He says quietly. Are you kidding me I don't need a ring girl. "Well she's a wrestler." Then she better be damn good I don't want a chick dragging me down." I storm out of the room bumping into y/n on her way out of Brandi's office almost knocking her over. Psh nice start I grunt walking away from her.


What a dick I say brushing myself off and walking to my hotel room. I have a meeting with Jon tomorrow to discuss how we're going to play this. I get back to my motel room and close the door not thinking to lock it. I turn the shower on and get undressed I jump in the shower and wash myself off while singing Judas by fozzy I've always liked Jerichos talent in and out of the ring. Once I'm done I turn off the water putting on an oversized T-shirt and underwear I step out into the dark room. "Nice pipes" I hear a voice behind me say. I immediately spin around and punch the figure in the face He's a large man. I jump onto his back my legs around his waist and choke hold on his neck. He grabs me by the hair and swings me off of him into the bed. Suddenly the lights flick on and I see Jon Moxley in front of me.

Jon's POV

What the hell man I yell touching my stinging eye."What the hell man yourself what are you doing in my room you scared me" y/n says breathing heavily. I look down to see she's leaning back on her hands I can see a bit of her underwear peaking out under her shirt. " Hey snap out of it" she spits out sitting up pulling her shirt back down. "Do I need to ask again what are you doing sitting creepily in the dark in my room"

Well the door was unlocked so I let myself in. I say defensively. "Okay so you don't have manners and you're creepy that clears things up" she says sauntering over to the door locking it her hips swaying almost hypnotically as she walked. "What are you even doing here in the first place our meeting isn't until tomorrow" she says finally looking up at me seeing my eye already bruising . "Here let me help you" she says leading me to the bathroom bending over to get a first aid kit from her bag. At this point my eyes had to be bugging out of my head as the hard on in my pants grew her body was so perfect I thought to myself before I spoke. Well you did quite the number on me I said. "I can see that" she laughed looking down at my pants. I- That's not what I meant I said cheeks flushing. "Mhm" she says fixing me up.


Is that a? I thought to myself. Teasing Jon for the obvious hard on he has. So did you bring your friend here with you or do you have some sorta pain kink. I wink makes sense with this business. "Shut up I don't you're just practically wearing nothing" he stammers.
Well gee I'm so sorry I didn't think to dress up for my unexpected guest when I got out of the shower. I say dabbing at his wound with an ice pack . "OW"he says wiggling. Come on don't be a baby you're Jon Moxley for fucks sake you should be able to take a punch from a little girl. You're over a foot taller than me and I took your ass down in seconds. "Need I remind you I flipped you over my head and off of me" he smirks. Need I remind you the shiner  you've got came from these guns. I say sassily holding my arms up. "Oh shut up anyway before you so rudely attacked me I was coming here to discuss with you our plans." We have a meeting tomorrow Mox I say inadvertently eying his bulge and biting my lip.
"Eyes up here princess" he says winking.
Yea you wish I say. "That I do" he says matter o factly. Me too I blurt our before slapping my hand over my mouth. "Oh is that right" he says walking towards me until I'm backed up against the wall gulping as he looks into my eyes.
"Tell me what you want princess" he whispers sliding his hand down my cheek.
I say before crashing my lips into his pulling him down to kiss me. He pulls me up to him with my legs around his hips and our tongues fighting for dominance his winning of course. He sits down on the bed me straddling his lap as he pulls my hair back kissing my neck. Oh fuck I whisper feeling his other hand sneaking around to my ass. He slaps it hard and looks at me "watch your language princess". The smile across my face told him all he needs to know about what I like in bed. He pulls me shirt over my head staring at my tits for a moment before taking a nipple into his mouth.
I moaned loud slapping my hand over my mouth. He looks up at me pulling at my nipple removing my hand from my mouth. "No I want to hear you" he says cupping my face holding me up to him. I nod furiously as he takes my other nipple into his mouth. Suddenly he flips me over planting a kiss on my mouth before sliding down my body kissing my stomach as he pulls my underwear off . He throws them across the room with my shirt. Before tossing my legs onto his shoulders and diving in.
Licking long and slow up and down planting kisses on my wet pussy as I moan sweetly. He has his eyes closed just enjoying my moans and how good he's making me feel as he slips his fingers into me and starts moving them. He moves up to my clit and sucks on it while still moving his fingers vigorously. I'm gunna cum practically scream in between moans. "Cum for me princess" he says diving right back in. Right on cue I cum as he continues licking till I'm shaking. "mmm good girl you taste so good" he groans before sitting up allowing me to take his shirt and his pants off. He's huge.
"On your back" he commands and I comply instantly. He teases me rubbing himself on my clit making me whine before sliding himself into me. My eyes roll back as pain quickly turns to pleasure. "You're so tight y/n" Jon chokes out between groans. I'm gunna cum I practically scream as he thrusts into me. "Not yet wait" he says making my eyes water. I- I can't I say before tightening around him and losing myself. He quickly pulls out grabbing me positioning me onto my hand and knees before slamming fully back into me. " I told you to wait you know you need to be punished" he growls. I know I'm sorry I can barley choke out through how hard he's fucking me.
"Now I'm going to use you till I'm done I don't care how many times you cum were not done till I'm satisfied understand?" All I can do is nod as he pounds into me slapping my ass and pulling my hips back into him making sure I feel every inch of him stretching me. Before I knew it I was cumming again for him my legs went weak and I collapsed on the bed. Jon picked me up with my legs around his waist and slammed me against the wall kissing my neck. I could feel him swelling inside me before he came. Sweetly carrying me to the bed and laying me down onto him.
Ya know Mox this looks like it'll be a pretty good partnership. I giggle as Jon strokes my hair planting a kiss on the top of my head.
" I agree y/n I agree" he smiles before we fall asleep cuddled together.

A/N : I know this was long but hopefully it was good it's my first smut writing. I hope y'all liked it comment for requests. :)

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