Chapter 8

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This is probably going to be the only chapter today, but I'll try to make it good. I'm trying Alden P.O.V. cause I don't think anyone's done that before!

Alden's P.O.V.

Fitz burst through the doors and ran upstairs to his room. I knew something along the lines of Sophie was going on, but I didn't know what. Being his dad, I felt the need to talk to him, so I called him downstairs.

Fitz stormed down the stairs and into Della and I's bedroom and sat down forcefully on the bed. "Fitz, what's going on?" I asked.

"Sophie doesn't want to talk to me."

"Why?" I knew there was more than that to it.

"I don't want to talk about it." He said and turned around to walk out.

"Wait," I told him. Teenagers. I knew he couldn't deal with it.

Fitz turned around, "What?"

"I need to know why she's mad because Sophie isn't easily angered. Otherwise, I'll ask Biana. She already told me she knew, what was going on."

Fitz shrugged, "Ask her, then. I'm going to Atlantis."


"Because I have to fix what's going with Sophie. It's all my fault, anyway. Bye."

With that, he left the room. I only hoped he really could fix it.

Fitz's P.O.V.

I went upstairs to the leapmaster, and then I realized I was supposed to go on a date with Lihn in 10 minutes. Shoot.

I decided to head to Atlantis anyway so I wouldn't have to be at home when she arrived. But, I gave it a second thought. I didn't get much time to ponder it before I heard Biana call, "Fitz, Lihn is here for your date."

I knew it was over, but that didn't stop me from calling Atlantis and stepping into the light.

Okay, bad chapter. I get it, and terrible cliffhanger/ending. Honestly, I have no idea where this is heading so I probably won't update until tomorrow. Sorry, I know I just broke the 2 chapters in a day streak, but I'll make tomorrow chapter worth it. Guys, please vote for this story and comment if you want a shout out. Anyway, thanks for sticking with me!


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