Chapter 7

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Parrish took a step forward as though to protect Lydia, putting himself between Thanatos and his girlfriend, and giving the strange man a glare.

Thanatos ignored the look, and instead spoke to Lydia. "Nice to see you again Banshee."

Lydia stepped back out from behind Parrish to face Thanatos.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"That's not the question," Thanatos said cryptically. "The question is what you want."

Lydia thought for a minute. "Answers."

"Ah yes, well then you've come to the right place," Thanatos told them.

Parrish looked at Thanatos as though he didn't quite know what to make of him. At first sight he looked like a normal well dressed guy, with dark hair and pale skin. He spoke formally, but every once in a while his form would flicker slightly. He would become more transparent, almost ghostly, with dark robes and faded features.

Parrish didn't know if Lydia saw this slight change, but it was enough to make Parrish not trust the guy.

"What do you want from us?" he asked. "What do you get out of all this?

From his experience as a cop, as well as part of the supernatural community, Parrish was well aware that answers usually don't come for free.

"All in good time, Hellhound," was the response he got from Thanatos.

Parrish scowled, but Lydia took his hand, effectively calming him down.

"What do we need to do?" she asked.

"Place your right hands on the edge of the Nemeton, and all will be revealed," he told them.

Lydia and Parrish looked at each other, and then down at the tree stump. As though in a sort of trance, they mirrored each other's movements, each placing their right hand on the outer ring of the stump.

One by one the rings began to glow orange until they reached the center of the stump. Lydia and Parrish closed their eyes to see multiple visions flash across their minds.

They stood in the middle of a familiar dark road, facing the sidewalk. They watched in silence as the Parrish from the night before was overcome by the shadows. As soon as he had collapsed, another figure emerged from the shade of the woods and sliced through the shadow figures with a bright glowing blade. The shadows fled and Thanatos picked up the hellhound, carrying him back in the direction of Parrish's apartment.

The vision switched to a cold, foggy landscape. Half-transparent hooded figures floated around aimlessly, and dark iron gates loomed in the distance. Suddenly two bright figures, one swathed in flames and another with long strawberry-blonde hair, appeared at the edge of the area. An ear-splitting scream shook the place and a wall of flames rose up, disintegrating everything in its path.

The visions began to speed up, showing small glimpses of scenes. Beacon Hills swathed in darkness, Lydia bound and gagged in a dark room, Parrish searching frantically for her, Scott and Stiles surrounded by shadows and struggling to breathe, a maniacal laugh, a glowing sword clattering to the ground, a large shadowy figure with what looked like an obsidian crown on its head...

Parrish and Lydia lying side by side, unmoving.

The rings faded to darkness. Lydia and Parrish blinked a few times, pulling their hands away and glancing at each other.

"So, harbingers of death, what do you think?"

Lydia shuddered, and Parrish placed his hand on her arm in comfort, pulling her closer to him.

"What can we do to stop it?" he asked.

Thanatos admired the hellhound's quiet resolve and determination, though he guessed it likely had no idea what was coming.

"First, you need to gain control of your powers," Thanatos told him. "Embrace who you are and let it all in. Don't be afraid."

Thanatos then turned to Lydia. "And you need to help him. You are each other's anchors and your connection is stronger than ever. Especially after..."

He didn't have to finish his sentence. Lydia knew he was talking about their earlier meeting when he helped her bring Parrish back.

"How?" Lydia asked Thanatos.

"Take his hands," he said, gesturing to Parrish.

"Now, close your eyes and concentrate on each other. Focus on your connection, your shared memories and experiences."

Lydia and Parrish did as Thanatos instructed, reaching out to each other. The bond between them, like a rope binding them together, seemed to strengthen as they focused. Small flame tendrils danced across their hands and both their eyes began to glow faintly.

Lydia was now able to see the shadows as Parrish did, and Parrish's powers strengthened to the point where he became better at sensing the fates of others, like Lydia could.

The combined power of the Banshee and the Hellhound would be dangerous and destructive, almost unstoppable, and once more Thanatos wondered if he had made the right choice in saving the hellhound. But there was no turning back now.

Lydia and Parrish broke apart after their rush of power, both a little unsteady. Lydia stumbled and Parrish caught her, his arms wrapped around her to keep her balanced. They turned to face Thanatos, who stood staring at the pair with interest.

"The bond between the two of you is stronger than even I expected. You each took on a bit of the other's power, and together you'll be a force to be reckoned with."

Parrish and Lydia looked at each other in shock. "Took on each other's power? How is that possible?" Lydia asked.

"It is very rare, almost unheard of," Thanatos told her. "You must be cautious, for each of you have extraordinary abilities to begin with, and together you will be even more powerful."

Parrish shuddered as he remembered his previous struggles with control over his abilities. He didn't want to accidentally hurt anyone else.

"Remember your connection next time you tap into your power, Hellhound, for it will help to ground you as well as protect those you care about," Thanatos told him, guessing what Parrish was feeling.

Ding! Lydia's phone chimed and she reached into her pocket to check it.

"Scott and Stiles want us to meet them at the animal clinic," Lydia told Parrish.

"We probably owe them an explanation for last night anyway," he said, smirking slightly.

Parrish was feeling better about being in control after knowing Lydia couldn't be hurt by him. He was still a little concerned, but nothing like how he was earlier.

Lydia grinned. She had missed this side of Parrish.

"Yeah, Stiles is probably freaking out," she said.

Then she turned back to Thanatos. "You're welcome to come with us if you want. I'm sure our friends would love to meet you."

"Thanks for the offer, Banshee, but I have other business to attend to," Thanatos said. "See you around."

He backed toward the trees and faded into the shadows.

Lydia looked at Parrish. "Well, let's go see what our friends want."

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