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2 months later

Lydia and Parrish pulled up in front of Scott's house and exited the car. They walked up the sidewalk hand in hand, having been inseparable for the past two months, and knocked on the door. Stiles opened it and motioned for them to come in.

Scott was in his room doing some last-minute packing for UC Davis. He rushed about, throwing clothes into his suitcase and grabbing toiletries from the bathroom. Lydia and Parrish watched with amusement, their eyes flicking back and forth trying to follow his erratic movements.

Eventually he stopped and looked sadly at the overflowing suitcase. "It's not gonna fit," he fretted.

Stiles walked up to him and gave him a pat on the back. "We'll make it fit," he said.

The two boys then proceeded to squish the poor suitcase to its limit and, since they were unable to close it normally, wrapped duct tape around the entire thing. "There!" Stiles said proudly after they had finished, admiring his work.

The four companions made their way back outside to load the rest of Scott's stuff into the car, then began to say their goodbyes. Hugs were exchanged and well-wishes were shared, until there was nothing left to do but leave. Scott got in the car and drove away, leaving his friends waving until they couldn't see him anymore.

Lydia thought she saw Stiles wipe his eye, but decided not to comment.

"When are you leaving for DC, Stiles?" Parrish asked once Scott was gone.

"In two days," Stiles said. "So I really need to get going on my packing."

Lydia chuckled as Stiles got in his Jeep. "See you guys later!" he called as he drove away.

Parrish and Lydia drove back to his apartment so Parrish could get ready for his shift at the police department. They parked next to a black convertible and began to make their way inside when they both stopped suddenly. They could feel that someone was watching them.

Turning around slowly, they came face to face with Thanatos. They both relaxed, for Death was an old friend.

"I see you are doing better," Thanatos commented. He hadn't really seen them since their adventure two months ago. Lydia smiled. "Yes, thanks to you."

Thanatos nodded and Lydia continued speaking. "So what have you been up to?"

"Following the demise of the shadow king and his army, I have taken control of the shadow realm and begun to make it a better place for the surviving shadows, especially those who had been forced out, like me."

Lydia and Parrish both smiled at that. They were glad that some good had come from their defeat of the shadow king.

A few seconds passed in silence and then Thanatos cleared his throat. "Well, I'd better be going," he said. "I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing."

It was more like he'd wanted to make sure once again that he'd made the right choice in saving them. Often those actions had grave consequences, but Thanatos had a feeling the banshee and the hellhound could handle whatever life threw at them. They were meant to be together for a while yet.

"Well, thanks for stopping by," Lydia said.

Thanatos got into his car, and Lydia and Parrish made their way up to the apartment. Parrish stopped her right as they entered, spinning her around to face him. He cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers.

Once they pulled apart, Lydia was breathless. "What was that for?" she asked.

Parrish rubbed the back of his neck sort of awkwardly. "Well, seeing Thanatos again reminded me of when I almost lost you two months ago, and I never want to go through that again. I want to always be there for you and that was just to show you I love you."

Lydia looked up at him adoringly. "I love you too," she said. "And I never want to lose you either. I am prepared to spend the rest of my life with you, Jordan Parrish, and seeing how we've both cheated death multiple times, I think it's safe to say we could go the distance."

Parrish looked down at his girlfriend. He was so lucky. Lydia was the perfect girl, and the only one for him. He couldn't wait for the day where she'd walk down the aisle toward him, or when they'd have kids. He envisioned his entire life with this woman, and would enjoy every second of it.


Thank you all for reading this story. I cannot believe it has finally reached its end. It has been quite a ride and I appreciate everyone who has read it. You are what made this story worth writing. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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