Chapter 13

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Parrish, Scott, and Stiles shivered as they stepped through the veil into the land of the shadows. Looking around, at first all they saw was darkness. A cloudy haze seemed to hang over everything, making it hard to see. Eventually their eyes began to adjust to the darkness and the trio were able to make out certain shapes around them.

They stood facing a large field covered in dead grass, with black iron gates towering over them on every side blocking any chance of escape. Beyond the field, some ways in the distance, stood a huge obsidian castle. It's form loomed over the field, glaring down at its inhabitants as though daring them to proceed closer.

Parrish glanced at Scott and Stiles, before letting their hands drop to their sides. He figured as long as they stayed close and remained focused, they'd be fine. He then went to reach for his gun but Stiles shook his head.

"A gun isn't going to be any help here," he said, readjusting his metal bat over his shoulder. Parrish narrowed his eyes but then realized what Stiles was saying. His hellhound power would be much more useful in this situation.

He nodded to Stiles and glanced at Scott, who had already brought forth his claws, before he gathered a small flame in each of his hands, allowing them to see a bit further. The mist seemed to retreat away from the flames, but the shadows before them began to become more clustered together, growing darker and seemingly more solid by the second.

Scott and Stiles stared wide-eyed at the gathering shadows, for they hadn't been able to see them before. It seemed as though their new connection with the banshee and the hellhound, as well as their presence in this strange land, allowed for them to finally be able to see their enemy. Although fighting them was a whole different story.

The army of shadows seemed to stretch on forever, forming rows and rows of defenses in front of the castle. The trio of invaders continued to stare, shocked at the sheer size of the gathering army. In the car, they had briefly discussed a tentative plan that involved sneaking in and freeing Lydia unnoticed, but that obviously wouldn't work now. They were not prepared to meet an entire enemy army lying in wait for them.

"They knew we were coming," Parrish told Scott and Stiles. "They expected us to come for her and we just fell right into their trap."

Scott and Stiles merely nodded, not really knowing what else to say. They should've been more careful, but instead they had rushed in blind and were now paying the price for their recklessness. They would be forced to fight their way out of this, Parrish was sure, and he only hoped they could hold out long enough to buy some time to come up with a new plan

As the shadowy figures stalked closer, their forms seemed to shift from solid to semi-transparent and back again, allowing them to dodge any attack aimed at them while still landing blows of their own. Every time Scott lashed out with his claws or Stiles swung his bat, they'd pass right through the misty form of the shadows, but once the attackers were off-balanced, the shadows would become solid and fight back.

Parrish allowed the hellhound side of him to emerge fully as the shadows charged toward him. His entire body became swathed in flames and he let out a mighty roar before moving to meet them. After a few solid hits, the shadows retreated slightly, forming a circle around the trio of intruders.

"Why'd they stop?" Stiles asked, looking around, confused.

"I don't know," Parrish answered.

The army of shadows parted slowly to allow a new figure to come forward. The figure was smaller and more slender than many of the shadows guarding the castle, but Parrish made sure not to underestimate him. The way the shadow held himself, along with the large obsidian crown on his head, told Parrish that he was obviously the one with all of the power. The shadow king.

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